


Being a part of our Alumni Association gives you a lasting connection tothe school, provides a way for you to stay involved in school activitiesand alumni events, and keeps you informed about what’s happening atEast Point School.
For this purpose a facebook page has been created@EastPointSchoolAlumni and anyone can register themselves bylogging in the school website anddownloading the EPOSA form.
The general purpose of the Alumni Association (EPOSA) is to promotethe welfare and effectiveness of East Point School, through
ï‚· Strengthening of ties between former students and the school
ï‚· Stimulating the interest and activity of the alumni of the school
ï‚· Participating in further development of the school
It was time again for nostalgia, as ex-students from different batches ofEast Point School gathered to relive old memories. The Alumni Meet2018 was held on 23 rd December in the school premises.
The meet commenced with the welcoming speech by our Principal Ms.Anubha Shrivastava, she spoke about the achievements of both thealumni and the institution and went on to express the need of strongalumni network for further success of the school.
Post the Welcome Ceremony, the alumni wholeheartedly participated in Mr. and Ms. Alumni Contest and entertained the audience with theirramp walk and singing and dancing skills. Finally Ms. Shreya Jain was crowned with the title of Ms Alumni 2018 and Mr. Saksham as Mr.Alumni 2018. Award for the Best personality was awarded to Ms ParulSharma and Award for the most stylish was awarded to Ms. AishwaryaSharma.
Many interesting games were played to pep up the occasion. The mainattraction of the event was the fun and the frolic D.J Floor which set amood of celebration and enjoyment.
The alumni, having spent a quality time interacting with all the membersand teachers, relived their school days. The Annual Alumni Meet’18came to an official close with the farewell address followed byrefreshments.