

Stringed flowers-Shapes and Patterns

Garland Activity was conducted to enhance the ability of children to accurately identify shapes, patterns and ignite the young brilliant minds. It was a fun-filled learning as it was integrated with the theme -Festivals. The students were all  geared up for the activity and participated with a lot of zeal and enthusiasm.

Winners of the Competitions

The winners of the Competitions are:-
  Show And Tell (Class 1)
1st - Vivaan (Nehru House),2nd -H. Harimithra (Vivekananda House),3rd -Yajas (Patel House)
Machines in our Neighbourhood (Class II)
Ist -Vanya Bhatnaggar (Gandhi House),2nd -Aahana Behera (Nehru House),3rd - Riyansh Gusain (Patel House)
State Birds of India (Class III)
Ist - Annika Verma (Nehru House),2nd - Swastika Agarwal (Gandhi House),3rd -Triyansh Kumar (Vivekananda House)

Orientation -2020

A virtual orientation program was organised for the parents of class II on 16th September on Zoom platform. To start the program a welcome message was given to the parents. After that, the parents were given a briefing through PowerPoint presentation  about our goal in virtual classes, various methodologies used during virtual classes, Integrated Curriculum approach and Happiness Curriculum. The parents were also shown a glimpse of various activities and celebrations that we are conducting in our online classes. Parents are happy and satisfied with the classes. They appreciated the hard work of the teachers and the school for organizing online classes for their children. The INTEGRATED CURRICULUM APPROACH is well -appreciated by the parents.  The session concluded with a ‘vote of thanks’  to the parents.  

Declamation Competition

Students of Class V going vocal on the topic,"Online Digital Freedom" in the Inter-House Competition conducted on 25th August 2020. All the students presented their views very confidently and increased our awareness about digital freedom.

Investiture Ceremony -2020

Students taking the oath of commitment and loyalty  with utmost pride as new leaders of their Houses during Virtual Investiture Ceremony conducted on 24th August 2020. It was a a great pleasure to see their excitement and dedication to take up up the new role as House Marshals and House Co-ordinators. 

Independence Day Celebration - I-III

On the occasion of Independence Day, our Primary Wing  students were bubbling with enthusiasm to remember with pride ,the commitment and contribution of the brave individuals who had  sacrificed their lives for a free India. The students were involved in various activities like quiz, drawing competition and also had dressed up in the attire from different states. It was a visual treat indeed!

Janmashtami -2020

Students from Classes 4 and 5 took to their paint brushes both real ones and virtual ones to celebrate the birth of Lord Krishna. 

Raakhi Making Competition

Young artists from Classes 1,2 and 3 made beautiful "Raakhis" to show their love towards their siblings.

English Week - Inter House Competition

Our exuberant  learners from Nursery to Class V  participated in various activities aiming at developing their language competence and skills from 7th July to 11th July. From Classics to Rudyard Kipling, from Kipling  to Roald Dahl  and fairy tales to fiction, students immersed themselves into the world of books and presented a beautiful panorama of their expressive calibre.

Grand Parents Day - Class 1

Grandparents are a delightful blend of laughter, caring deeds, wonderful stories and love .In order to make that blend more secure children of class 1 celebrated Grandparents Day on 15.7.20. Children came along with their grandparents through online celebration and did various activities. They sang songs with their grandparents, made beautiful craft and prepared a glass of lemonade for their grandparents. It was a mesmerizing day to see the two generations building a strong blend amongst each other.


June 21st is celebrated as The International Day of Yoga all over the world. This idea was proposed by our Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi. He said, “Yoga is an invaluable gift of India’s ancient tradition. It embodies unity of mind and body; thought and action; restraint and fulfilment; harmony between man and nature; a holistic approach to health and well-being. It is not about exercise but to discover the sense of oneness with yourself, the world and the nature. By changing our lifestyle and creating consciousness, it can help in wellbeing.”

Maths Exhibition

On 15th Feb 2020, to develop the skill development, children of East Point school organized a Maths Exhibition.  The Children from class I- VIII took up various concepts in mathematics and used waste materials around to make different models, charts and games. The HOD of Delhi Public School, Mr Singhal and the chairperson of our school Mrs Amita Gupta appreciated and reinforced students' effort by providing constructive feedback. This exhibition has helped students to know the real life application of mathematical concepts and build confidence.

Different land forms of Earth

Class 2 students were made aware of different land forms of Earth.A video was shown to the students and clay modelling activity on different landforms was done in the class.

Shadow Activity

Students of class 3 measured the change in the size of the shadow with the change in the time.

Spray Painting Activity

Creative play help students to try out different ideas and ways of doing things. Keeping this in mind students of class 1 explored spray painting which is a perfect way to develop fine motor skills while using creativity through the use of colours.

Addition and Subtraction Activity

For the better understanding of the concept - Addition and Subtraction, students of class 1 were involved in an activity - Snakes and Ladder wherein they played the game by using their mathematical skills which helped in enhancing their logical thinking. It also helped them in fine motor skills.

Activity on Day and Night

An activity on day and night was conducted with the help of a globe and a torch. After that the word Rotation was introduced to the students of class 2.

Conserving the Natural Resources

The students of class 3 made badges on how they can save the natural  resources .This activity helped them to understand the importance of conserving the  natural resources.

Sarvshiksha Abhiyaan

The proud students of class 4,  our leaders of tomorrow , took out a small rally on Sarvshiksha Abhiyaan. In order to express  the power of education.

Social Science class through smart board

The introduction of,The Chapter Plateau , Specially Deccan Plateau was explained through smart class. Students of class 4 tried to explore the chapter topic through different videos.

Indian History Project

Our up coming historians of class 4 tried to make small research work on our ancient Indian history.

English mind Twitter activity

Students of class 4 try to solve quiz, puzzles and find new vocabulary words. 

Math Exhibition

To encourage the little Mathematicians of East Point , Primary Wing organised the Maths Exhibition on 28th September, 2019. Various topics like Shapes and Patterns, Data handling, Area and Perimeter, Addition, Time and Calendar  were displayed, which enabled them to develop application of concepts. 

Ozone Day

कक्षा तीसरी के छात्रों ने १६ सितम्बर को मनाये जाने वाले "ओजोन दिवस " के अवसर पर कविता गायन प्रस्तुत किया। इस कविता द्वारा उन्होंने ओजोन परत के महत्व को दर्शाया।

Ozone Day

Trip to Nehru planetarium and Nehru Memorial

Children of class -III were taken for an educational trip to Nehru Planetarium to enhance their knowledge about solar system and to increase their curiosity about space.Children really enjoyed the movie shown about the Solar System and were excited to know the  interesting facts about it.

National Sports Day- Junior

To mark the birth anniversary of Indian hockey player Major Dhyan Chand, National Sports Day was celebrated on 29th August, Thursday by classes Nursery to 3. Various physical fitness activities were conducted. A yoga session was conducted in the morning assembly followed by activities like hurdle jump, wall climbing, number jump and balance the beam. This day was celebrated with the aim of instilling a sense of love and respect towards sports in the minds of young children as well as educating them about one of the most significant sports personality of India.


The green minds of class IV and V at work to create green windows with planters. They make sure that they reuse plastic bottles to achieve their green goals going green with much zeal !

Integration of Social Science with IT

Children of class III attended a practice session of their chapter Continents and Oceans in the computer lab through a menu driven software on the topic .This was too helpful for children to understand the locations of Continents and Oceans on world map.

World Map Carpet Activity

Children of class III enjoyed and learnt the location,names of seven continents and 5 oceans through world map carpet in junior resource room.They enthusiastically participated Through group and individual games.

Science Activity

The young and curious learners of class 4 performed experiments to understand the concept of solubility ,identifying the solute and  solvent present in the solution prepared by them. 

Van mahotsav -Class V

Students of class 5 watched a video on no litter generation, revolving around a generation that litters without thinking twice . They discussed about it’s dangerous consequences and ways to save our dying earth from litter . They also watched and discussed about how to segregate waste . 

Cooking Club Activity

In the house meeting period Tagore house children of class iv and v refreshed themselves after vacation by enjoying cooking club activity .They made seasonal fruit crackers using biscuits and cream .They learned a recipe for their quick evening snack keeping in mind the nutritional value and which can  be easily  prepared without fire .

English Elocution

English Elocution was conducted for Class 3 students on 3rd May 2019,  to hone their speaking  skills.  The emphasis was given on correct pronunciation, word stress, punctuation.  The poems selected for various classes are as follows: III A -Great Excuses III B- Oliphant III C -Sound Collector III D- Rainbow Fairies .
Class III C stood first in Elocution.

Labour Day-

To inculcate the value of dignity of labour, children of class 3 made thank you cards for the guard, gardener and maid. They really enjoyed clicking picture with them.

Social science week - Globes and Maps

Social science week was conducted in the month of April, wherein students of class V studied the globe and maps with various fun based activities. Day 1: The students studied the globe and learnt about its axis, tilt and the day night concept with the torch and globe activity. Day 2: (Map Mania) Students marked different hemispheres, important latitudes and major landforms of the different continents on the map. Day 3: (Group activity) Continent puzzle was conducted in the class which created interest among the students and helped them to improve their map skills also.
Day 4: (Group activity) Students made maps of different continents and shared fun facts regarding each continent.
Day 5: Intra School Social science quiz was conducted wherein the students of different houses participated and there was brainstorming on the basis of previous knowledge and current affairs.

World Health Day Celebration

On the occasion of world health day Dr. Vikas Bindal and Dr. Parul Bindal were invited to school who were also the parents of one of the students of class 5. They are dentists by profession who explained to the students about the importance of healthy diet to keep the teeth strong . They also gave tips on brushing techniques to avoid cavities . Students of class 3 attended the talk . The doctors also took round in few sections of classes 4 and 5 to make the students aware of brushing techniques. It was inspiring to see this set of parents so enthusiastic to share their expert knowledge with the students and we welcome more parents  to volunteer for such activities in school .

World Health Day

On 8th April 2019 World Health Day was celebrated. The activities aimed at increasing awareness and understanding about the importance of washroom etiquettes. The children of class 1 were shown videos about the ways to keep themselves healthy and hygienic. The 7 steps of washing hands were also shown through a video which was then followed by a handwash activity during the lunch break. The importance of washing hands using soap was told to the children. The children were happy to learn and they shared their experiences too.

Common noun and Proper noun activity

Common noun and Proper noun activity was done in the class for helping the students to grasp nouns used in generic ways or specific ways.

Science Activity Integrated with IT

The activity based on living and non living was conducted for class 3 students for helping them understand their surroundings.They were taken to the garden to observe things around them.later they went to the computer lab where they drew the pictures of living and non living things.

Primary- Annual Day

Our school, feted the endowments of each of its students in the ‘Annual Gaiety 2019’ on 16.03.19. Ms. Vaijayanti Savant Tonpe, an eminent children’s writer and an awardee of Indian Council for Child Education (ICCE) as well as the BhartiyaBalKalyanSamiti, graced the occasion as the Chief Guest. The guests this evening were welcomed by a walk-through displaying the activities conducted during the session, rightly named as ‘Year at a Glance’. Herein, the parents could actually spot their ward’s activities been put up and observe the kind of tasks their children are involved in various subjects throughout the year. The achievers and scholars were felicitated by the Chief Guest with awards thereby lifting their spirits high. The cultural extravaganza included the skating dance performance- ‘The Super Gliders’ presented by the students of classes II to V mesmerizing the audience by their stunts artistically posed on wheels. Children of class III also danced on a Marathi folklore. The play named ‘The Wizard of OZ’ was a complete theatrical experience with live choir and narration by the students of classes II to V voicing over the little actors. The audience enjoyed the sync and clarity of the presentment. The evening was lauded by the words of appreciation and encouragement rendered by the Chief Guest and the Principal Ms. Anubha Srivastava.

National Science Day

The National Science Day was observed at our school on February 28' 2019. As an impactful beginning, a talk was presented in the assembly regarding the reason and relevance of celebrating this day studding it with various experiments. Following this, all classes from Nur to V witnessed the demonstration of different experiments according to the respective class level. Each child participated in these experiments and thus got an individual understanding for the same.
Nur- Various states of matter using water as an example. KG- Water soluble & insoluble things   Class 1: The Lava Lamp (Checking the miscible/ immiscible liquids using oil, water and colours.)   Class 2: Float & sink experiments (Children tested the float & sink quality using day-to-day items as the eraser, sharpener, sponge etc.)   Class 3: Sun's effect on the size of shadows (Classes were taken out in the ground at two different times of the day in order to measure the difference in the length of the shadows formed both earlier and later.)   Class 4: Simple Machines around (Making models of simple machines as the pulley etc, observing such machines around in the school campus)   Class 5: Demonstrating the Magnetic Field  (Using bar-magnets)

Road Saftey - Nukkad Naatak

As an observance of the Road Safety Week at our school, a nukkad naatak was performed by the children of class 3. This performance included the instructions of avoiding some actions while being on road as well as helping the victims of accidents fearlessly.

Road Saftey - Quiz

The Primary department conducted a quiz dedicated to Road Safety wherein students were asked general questions based on basic safety measures to be taken on road, identifying the road signals and guessing the wrong deeds in the pictures. Children enjoyed answering in teams as competition enhances the fun factor of every activity and imparts learning effortlessly.

Fitness Week

East Point School celebrate sports week from 28th January'19 to 31st January'19. Classes IV-V learnt highly involving activities like ‘Ball Mastery’ and ‘Relay’.Sports strengthen a child both individually and as a part of a group. Thereby building both singular as well as social character of their own.

Budding Soil Scientist

Students of class 3 were taken out to feel the different textures of soil. They collected the soil samples from different places around the school and noted what all the soil contains and its uses.

Rock Sport Camp

Rock sport camp was organized for classes II to V. Various activities like zorbing, zip line , tug of war was organized for the kids. They enjoyed a variety of stimulating activities and challenges which  encouraged them to contribute to the best of their abilities to ensure the success of their group's activities. It was a fun filled day and children enjoyed a lot.  

Special Assembly - ‘Word Clines’

The concept of ‘Word Clines’ was introduced to the students of Class IV and V through small skit in the School Assembly. It was a beautiful presentation with the objective to encourage the students to explore new words and arrange them in order of strength, or how strongly they represent the idea. It was well received by our students and it enticed their creative minds to think out of the box.

Voting Day Activity

Students of Class IV Conducted polling activity to know the electoral system.

Woosh Story- Freezing Frames

The participants of class V from the ‘Clash of Characters’ activity were given an opportunity to present their own story- in a different way.The audiences had to interpret the thoughts going on in the minds of those characters.They were also asked to predict the end of the story.

Think Green Activity

“Let me clean ,air of my room” Learning about indoor plants and their benefits by class 1 students.

Maths Week

Students of class III made 2-D and 3-D figures during the math week by using clay . These activities helped the  Students to understand the concept of shapes.

Gandhi House Special Assembly

Gandhi House conducted a special assembly on 04.10.18 to make the primary children aware about the principles and values given by Mahatma Gandhi. A glimpse of life sketch of the   father of the nation  was presented through a  speech and poem by class II  and III. vChildren distributed book marks with Gandhian quotes to the whole primary wing as a “ Token Of reverence to their mentor”. vThe three monkeys along with a narrator took a round of all classes to give the message of  “SEE NO EVIL , HEAR NO EVIL , SPEAK NO EVIL”.

Speaking Tree Activity

Speaking Tree activity  organised on (17.09.18) fascinated children as it gave them ample opportunity to write to our Prime Minister about the cleanliness drive of our school.  They used simple thoughtful words to express their opinions about the fortnight drive to inculcate importance of cleanliness in day to day life.

भाषण प्रतियोगिता

दिनांक  à¥¨à¥­ को भाषण प्रतियोगिता कराया गया l  à¤œà¤¿à¤¸à¤®à¥‡à¤‚ विज्ञान का महत्त्व ,कंप्यूटर के फायदे व नुकसान और योग का महत्त्व जैसे विषय दिए गए  à¤›à¤¾à¤¤à¥à¤°à¥‹à¤‚ ने अपने पसंद के विषय पर भाषण दिए जिसके अंक भी दिए गए I सबसे ज्यादा बच्चों ने कंप्यूटर के बारे में बताया I कुछ बच्चों ने योगा दिवस के बारे में भी बताया I

Radhakrishnan House Assemblies (6th-27th Sept)

Students of R .K. House conducted assemblies during the month of September that included introduction of their mentor Dr. S.Radhakrishnan , word of the week , doha recitation on importance of teachers in our lives , awareness about importance of segregation of waste , skit on speaking good to others and elocution on ‘Taking care of our Earth'. 

Bandhni Activity

Our inquisitive learners of class IV got an opportunity to learn the skill of tie and dye(bandhni), a special art work from Rajasthan while reading the chapter "The great Indian desert" .

Integration of Science with IT

Students of class III draw  and colour the food chain, Road safety signs and label the parts of a leaf on the MS paint, they were excited to do it on their computers as Integration of Science topics with IT .

Swachhta Pakhwada Activity on "BEST OUT OF WASTE"

From 04.09.18 to 14.09.18 students of class 2 were involved in various activities  in Swachhta Pakhwada. They were shown video related to importance of cleanliness. They also did hand wash activity. They were made aware of water born diseases by showing them video. They were also shown how rainwater harvesting system works in school.

Tiger Day

International Tiger Day is celebrated every year to raise awareness for Tiger conservation on 29 July 2018. The objective is to promote a global system for protecting the natural habitat of tigers and to raise public awareness and support for tiger conservation issues. With this objective, The East Point School celebrated International Tigers day on 30 July with our class 1 students. Videos enhancing the cause of saving tigers were shown to the students followed by badge making activity to raise awareness and knowledge about the importance and role of Tiger.

Grand Parents Day Celebration

The students of class 1 celebrated the grandparents day on Wednesday  July 25, 2018. The event was held to honour and respect the grandparents and included a number of programmes performed by the little ones like a song, dance and band performance. It was a fun filled day and everyone enjoyed themselves.

Investiture Ceremony (IV-V)

The junior investiture ceremony was held on 21 July, 2018. It was a much awaited day as the junior house marshals and coordinators were officially taking up the responsibility of leading their houses on the right path.
The event began with the welcome of the guest. Ms. Vandana Verma, a research officer with ministry of rural development, Government of India and an active PTA member. The students of class IV and V performed a prayer dance, followed by a motivational poem- ‘Try Try again’ and then by a peppy hindi song ‘choona hai hame aasmaan’ encouraging all to aim high and to keep trying. Soon the marshals and coordinators marched in with flags of their respective houses. The marshals shared their vision for their houses as well as school. Then the chief guest badged them and congratulated them for their achievement and also encouraged everyone to put in their best always.
Following this was a song , ‘we’ve become leaders today’ describing the feelings of the badged marshals and coordinators. Principal ma’am, Ms. Anubha Sirvastava gave the vote of thanks and the event ended with the national anthem, This was undoubtedly a platform to make children aware that leaders have certain powers, but at the same time they have a huge responsibility too.

Republic Day Celebration

The students from classes 1, 2 and 3 celebrated the 69th Republic Day on the 25th of January, 2018. A variety of programs were performed by them which included songs like 'We shall overcome', medleys and dances.

'Diwali Bazaar'

The children of class 1 had a beautiful Diwali celebration. They performed a dance and a poem recitation which was appreciated by all. Followed by this they were taken to a 'Diwali Bazaar' (specially organised for them) where they were involved in a number of activities like diya decoration, card making, toran making and rangoli designs. Once they completed their tasks, they were then provided with a token which they exchanged for muffins. It was a fun filled day and the children enjoyed it thoroughly.

Trip to Bal Bhawan

The students of class 1 were out for an educational trip to Bal Bhawan on Friday 8th of September 2017. It was a fun filled day with lot of activities for the little ones. They learnt about clay pottery, warli art, handicrafts and also enjoyed a train ride. They also visited the fish aquarium and were very fascinated. 

bal Bhawan
bal Bhawan
bal Bhawan
bal Bhawan
bal Bhawan

Day Camp "WOW" (Wonders of Water)

To make learning fun, the students of class I had a fun filled Science Day Camp "WOW" (Wonders of Water) on Friday, August 25th 2017.The children learnt about the importance of water by way of a number of activities including videos, science experiments, puppet show (showcasing the concept of evaporation and condensation) and rain dance. They also made stick puppets of water animals which were given to them as mementos to mark the day.