
About Us

East Point School

East Point School, Delhi runs under the ageists of east point Education society. The society is a non-profit group aiming to provide quality education to the masses at an affordable range. Running under the able team of the society and managing committee which comprises of highly qualified and experienced  professionals from the field ranging from education, bureaucrats, engineering , finance, sports etc to name a few, the school is blessed with inputs and guidance of the best of the visionaries. The resultant output is an educational philosophy which aims at providing wide range of exposure to its students and faster empathy , critical thinking, research based approach and sustainable living as the major value development excess in the students.

The school adopt a multi level screening to absorb well qualified and passionate teaching staff. The curriculum as well as the approach of effective delivery methodology of the curriculum is critically reviewed by the thinking panel every year to acertain that the school participates marches  ahead and keep pace with day to day changes related to educational needs at global platform.

With 100% smart classes  in the classrooms , an infrastructure well equipped with state of art class for English, maths , science, IT, etc. as also dedicated activity rooms for co-curricular like arts, drama, music, dance, Montessori room to a well developed counseling section ,learning centre to address SEN, play areas for the necessary to sport fields that matches international standards in tennis, football, cricket , basketball, volleyball , etc. Every care has been taken to ensure all needs of students are met from academics to hobbies , to physical development to cross curriculum integrated approach.

The academic stream follows CBSE board with primary education based on CCE was adopted for classes IV-X and CBSE curriculum for grades XI and XII in the streams of science, commerce and humanities.

The success stories of the institute hold the school flag tall and high in the form of laurels won by our students at all levels from inter school competition , to zonal , regional , nationals as well as international ranks in various co-curriculum competition . The scores of students in board examinations and the well placed alumni over the global map are a mark of a balance of academics with life skills needed to stand the stress and pressure of the gen-next job market.

Adoption of ISA approach of the British council is a step forward to strengthen the  international exchange and global understanding of various curriculum areas.