


A webinar was organised on Protecting youth from industry manipulation and preventing them from tobacco and nicotine use. The webinar was taken up by State Tobacco Control officials on 23rd October 2020, where experts like DR. HANDA KUNDU( STATE CONSULTANT of NTCP,DELHI) and DR. B.S. CHARAN( ADDITIONAL DIRECTOR NTCP) spoke about the need to sensitise about the demonic effects of tobacco ,in various forms, amongst the children and how as an institution we can take stringent measures to combat this addiction. The speakers highlighted the fatal and outrageous effects on not only the first hand users but also to those who do not consume these directly. The session was a way to join in a unified accord and say no to any form of tobacco and nicotine.


The students in this technological slam race must be adroit with the advancements. Keeping up with this notion,  a coding class was conducted by Robotics club for classes V and VI, where students coded a basketball game. Students applied logical thinking and analytic skills to code the game successfully


Robotics Club conducted a coding class for Class VII onwards. Students are learning Python basics and today they learnt writing strings, multi strings and counting length of the string. let us say that was ROBOTASTIC !!!!

Transforming career and life lessons

Transforming career and life lessons from the pandemic : Through the lens of Economics DATE - 18 June 2020 ATTENDED BY – Esha Sharma ( PGT Economics ) STRUCTURE OF THE WEBINAR Introduction of an economic concept Working of the concept at play during the pandemic Discussion of the career and life lesson for us to learn How is Macquarie University leading in this space FEEDBACK – The resource person Dr. Prashan Karunaratne started the webinar off with a warm welcome to all participants giving a brief introduction of his area of studies. He then proceeded to refer to the economic concepts such as employability , income and substitution effect , specialization and division of labour etc which then was interlinked with the current pandemic situation. He then stressed upon the need of the hour of a new paradigm of agility vs specialisation mentioning what all efforts Macquaire University has been taking in this direction so as to provide as much exposure to the upcoming generation as they could. Overall it was a very informative webinar with some good content.

The lesson of the Pandemic-

The lesson of the Pandemic- The need for revolution in Education and Living By: ManishaTiwari (Attendees: Ms. ChitralekhaRana, Ms. Anuradha, Ms. ManishaTiwari,..) Organiser: The Heritage School, VasantKunj 6th June 2020, Online Webinar Attended webinar organised by The Heritage School in association with the key speaker Mr. S. Gopalan, Educator, The Valley School. It was an enlightening session which focused on the development of experiences, understanding and intellect of students. The webinar started with the opening speech by Ms. SunitaSwaraj, Principal, The Heritage School, VasantKunj and carried forward by the key speaker. He talked about the factors and the way of life due which affected everyone during lockdown. He also talked about his book ‘One plus One: Infinity or Eternity’ and told the importance of sensations and intellect in one’ life in an explicit manner. He focused on the fact that understanding is crucial to develop intellect and without understanding and experiencing things in life, the intellect or imagination cannot develop fully. He also mentioned quote by Mr. Krishnamurti, founder of The Valley School, that ‘thinking should begin from other end’. He then explicitly mentioned the elements of Education like updating knowledge, discovery, questioning, expression, passion etc. He also explained that elementary or middle school should focus on enrichment of experience of children and higher school level should be focused on efforts, experimenting and skills of students. He then mentioned about the missing elements in school education like no focus on creativity, performance pressure, no space for self understanding and individual growth along with compassion for sharing and caring.The session ended with a few questions and answers and it turned out to be a very intellectual and enlightening session to enhance the spiritual and intellectual growth of children along with Education.


Mighty Microbes and Viruses

Mighty Microbes and Viruses By: Manisha Tiwari (Attendees: Ms.Jayshree Joshi, Ms. Manisha Tiwari, and others....) Organiser: Centre for Environmental Education 5th June 2020, Online Webinar(5p.m-6p.m) Attended webinar organised by CEE in partnership with UNEP. It elucidated the role and importance of various microbes and viruses. It was related to a 6 month campaign organised started by CEE for the awareness about microbes and viruses. The panellists included Director CEE, Programme Director (Biodiversity) and other members associated with CEE. The webinar was divided in 4 sessions and a question answer session. It majorly focused upon the exploration of science, history, art and culture associated with microbial life. Information about the biodiversity of microbes; their role in animal and marine system; association with plants, diseases and general health, was given through presentation slides. The main aim of this webinar was to encourage the participants to be a part of CEE campaign. It has organised online quizzes, poster making; launched learning resources for school and colleges which can be utilised by everyone. Moreover they focus on ways of spreading awareness about the World of microbes and viruses among the children through various ways like organising quizzes, projects, discussions on pandemic, discussions on true versus fake information, economic importance of microbes etc. at school level on occassional basis. They informed about uploading learning resources which can be directly accessed by the students through their online portals. Lastly the webinar ended with polls and question answer session in which the panellists answered the general curiosities of the participants in relation to the topic of webinar.

ATL Gaming solutions workshop

BETTER GAMING A Workshop on Gaming solutions was taken by Atal innovation mission initiative NITI AYOG. The workshop threw light on the following points 1. What is gaming solutions and its uses. 2.How we can give the presentation for students.. 3. They explained the basic three structure related to it, beginner level, intermediate level, amd advanced lavel. 4. Shows game formation for beginner level.. The workshop was extremely enriching and helpful.



A workshop had been organised by The Indian association of Physics teacher (IAPT) on Polarisation of Light(Wave optics) (11.00am-12:15pm dt. 11/07/20). Seminar was taken by Dr. Rajaram Nityananda, Arbindo College (University of Delhi). The following points were discussed through PPT. 1. What is polarization of electromagnetic waves. 2. The relationship between electric and magnetic waves with the help of waves traveling in different directions. 3. Left and right circular polarization. 4. Combination of waves in different media concerning the effect in vacuum and space particles. 5. What's the use of polarization result in chemistry and astronomy, display technology, radio transmission and reception. The session was interactive and informative.


Witblox workshop- Evolution of Robots

The workshop was conducted by Witblox and students were addressed by the speaker Mr. Amit Modi. He started the workshop by asking the students about the their own definition of a robot . Also, the difference between Robot and machine was asked to which Sreeraj, Shourya , Shirish replied ardently. A story about how the first robot was created by Leonardo Da Vinci was shared with students. Students were also asked about their knowledge of simple machines and they responded well. A video about autonomous robots was shown. Then the students were informed about the various components required to build a robot. The different blocks and sensors (Distance, lamp, humidity, etc.) were shown . Students were informed about how they can use various blocks by Witblox to construct different robots as per their need. At the end of the session, they were told about a contest where they can record and upload a video describing what their advanced robot would look like. The winners would get a Witblox kit. A Q&A session was held at the end and doubts were clarified.


Environmental Literacy

A seminar on Environmental Literacy was conducted by Earth Day Network India on 25th June 2020 which was attended by Ms Rita Chauhan, Ms Arti Dimri and Ms Purva Bhatia from our school. The objective of this seminar was to train the teachers to encourage their students to develop innovative strategies to keep their campuses, homes and communities green. It stressed on the need to stimulate students to adopt ‘Low Carbon Lifestyle’ and understand ways to lower their carbon footprinting. It also suggested ideas like conducting a film making competition for students that helps them use the camera’s eye to focus on environmental issues and translate their awareness into short films. The seminar emphasized on infusing engaging and innovative learning in the students and encourage them to take up projects that solve sustainability problems in their school campus and also in their local community Experienced experts Ms Asha Alexander and MS Anis Ajamin From UAE also expressed their views. The webinar was an incredible tool to plan for our future learning processes.


Gaming for education

The National Science Centre, Delhi organised an orientation workshop on "Gaming for education" in Collaboration with Learning Links Foundation for the teachers. Atal Innovation Mission, NITI Aayog & Dell Technologies have developed a ‘Gaming Platform’ to enhance learning through game-based education & develop skills ranging from creativity, critical thinking and problem solving by leveraging the power of technology. Workshop demonstrated how online, open source portal is set to impact the student community from grade 6 onward, raising awareness for the need of developing creativity and programming skills in schools across the country. The workshop was hosted by "Kailash Chandra" Education Officer at National Science Centre Delhi. He presented how in the coming years jobs will be outdated and hence people need to change from consumer of technology to creator of technology. It's required to develop in students the necessary technological skills of the future by some open source platform on creating gaming solutions. The Gaming Portal, which is accessible at provides three proficiency levels of game development. There are 3 open-source platforms 1.Scratch for beginners 2.Construct for 2D gaming 3.Unity for 3D gaming Various online links were shared for accessing these platforms.Capacity building of students will help them in unleashing the creativity, problem-solving aptitude and analytical skills of the students We were demonstrated through ppt on how scratch can be accessible by students. The workshop concluded with Q/A rounds by which participants queries were answered.

Cyber Crime

A webinar was organized on 4th June 2020, on action talk on cyber guarding and e-schooling in association with action committee. The speaker for the event , Dr. Pawan Duggal is a renowned cyber law expert and advocate at Supreme Court Govt . Of India. He stated that cyberspace is the paradigm of the future and the youth plays an important role in using cyber resources. He focused on 3 ways to be secure online 1.Browsing should be of latest version. 2.Antivirus software must be installed. 3.Authorised trusted weblinks should be accessed. He also talked about the security issues in social media towards which our younger generation is attracted. He emphasised that one should be very careful while accessing social media since it does not provide privacy and security. He acquainted us with the cases in cyber crime and stressed on the need to be aware and alert by parents, teachers and students..He also focused on the use of mobile apps by younger children and pled to be very careful while downloading it. One must read terms and conditions and privacy policy. Parents must have parental control settings on their devices while using Internet. Also during E-Learning students must be aware of act that if they present either a video or post messages that violate against respect of a person comes under cyber crime. Students should adopt cyber security measures to avoid trouble which is in provisions of IT act 2000. He also added that cloud computing tool is safeguard to our data.


A webinar was organised by WITBLOX- Aasan Vigyan Adbhut Vigyan and 62 children from grade VII with Ms Purnima Singh Pundeer and Ms Reena Dutta got the opportunity to participate in it. Mr Nikhilesh Iyer, Scientist BARC, Mumbai addressed the students and displayed some reactions which they could observe in their daily life situations. Students enjoyed the session and asked their queries. A platform was shared with the students where they can showcase their experiments and models. It was an enriching and motivational workshop for the students.

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Orientation Programme on Yamuna cleanliness

An orientation programme was organized by SCERT to sensitize Eco club In charges from all zones of Delhi to motivate the students regarding cleanliness measures of River Yamuna. The highlighters were 1) To create awareness among students so that they can pass information in their surroundings regarding not to release any type of waste or holy material in river Yamuna. 2) To inform about the steps taken by DJB and NCT regarding releasing of waste water by residential colonies and industries after proper treatment only. 3) Ms Neelam from Environment Department and Mr Ajay Gupta from DJB described the rules and amendments prescribed by the government regarding release of sewage and industrial waste in river Yamuna. Over all it was an eye opener session that how government is quite determined to provide all possible solutions for a clean and pollution free water to the residents of Delhi by ensuring no release of untreated waste in Yamuna.

Gender sensitization - Gallant foundation

A workshop was conducted on 20.02.2020 for classes 5, 6 and 7 on gender sensitization. The workshop began with explanation of difference between sex and gender. He told the students about the tendency of people wearing clothes of opposite sex to their behavior. He mentioned to the kids that such behavior and tendency has been accepted by the government and society and as students they should have acceptance to it. They should not smile or tease if they come across anyone with such tendency.He quoted stories from Ramayana and Mahabharata mentioning the respect and importance given to women in our ancient society. He told students that as society developed gender discrimination began. It started from home by difference between the treatment of sons and daughter and then social evils like sati, purdah system and child marriage further contributed to it.Children were told that all these things reflected poorly on our society. To be adeveloped strong society we should accept and respect women. Their contributionto our homes and society will make our nation and strong and progressive country.He mentioned about Nirbhaya case and Hyderabad case. To avoid such incidents people should be educated to respect each other. He mentioned to students that both girls and boys are susceptible to such incidents. Both genders should respect each other and report any wrong incident they come across to their parents or teachers or to police.
The workshop ended with mention about the self defense course from Delhi police.They encouraged student to attend and learn self defense techniques as well.


Women and men are often restricted to particular roles in our society depending on the gender. It is high time we create awareness among school children especially boys about gender sensitization to tackle beliefs which pertain to gender bias.We at East Point School believe that education and schooling is a process through which society builds the kind of individuals we wish to see in the world. Therefore,it is imperative that we lay strong emphasis on inculcating values of equality among our children.Upholding this ideology and to help our children understand the need for gender equality; our school organized a workshop on gender sensitization for classes V-VII on 19 February 2020. The workshop was a Delhi Police initiative, organized by Gallant Foundation. The resource person explained the difference between the words ‘sex’ and ‘gender’. He said that while ‘sex’ is something we acquire at birth,‘gender’ is what society bestows upon us. We need to build a gender-sensitive and gender-equitable society. To build a strong society, the man and woman, both have to complement each other. Both have some strengths and weaknesses and to understand the same, Gender Sensitization comes in picture. This sensitivity to understand the qualities or weakness of other gender and to respect it, bring best out of the person to build a strong society, work place and nation.Attitude formation among adolescents is crucial since they are still at an age where attitudes are malleable. Students listened to the speaker with rapt attention, which put their sensitivity and genuine seriousness for the issue on display.  We at School believe that archaic beliefs can certainly be reformed using such sessions.


Health and Hygiene

Hygeia Healthcare in association with ‘Sachi Saheli’ , organised a workshop on Health and Hygiene for the girls to not only sensitize the students about the changes in the body but also to maintain the hygiene levels specially during menstrual cycle. Around 200 girls from classes 6 to 9 participated and was addressed by Dr Kanchan and Ms Monika  who interacted with the students and explained in detail about the importance of hygiene during menstrual cycle and having healthy food during this time children can prevent themselves from weakness and being anaemic.

H and H
H and H
H and H

Green Co-Summit

We were invited to participate and present a performance in the 8th Edition of Green Co-Summit organized by CII in association with Indian Industries which aims at fostering and promoting sustainable models.The above summit was held on 3rd, 4th & 5th July, 2019 at Lalit Hotel, New Delhi and the theme of this summit was “Green makes business sense”.On 5th July,, 2019, we 5 students with our teacher incharge Mrs. Sujata Parmar reached the venue to present our well prepared performance in the form of a “Street Play” in Hindi. Our “Street Play” which we presented in front of all the leaders from major Indian was based on environment conservation went on very well.Our performance was well appreciated & applauded by everyone, especially by Chief Guest Mr. K. N. Rao, Director-Energy & Environment from ACC Ltd;. Mr.  K.N. Rao also handed-over Certificates to our team members for our best judged performance.Other guests & dignitaries who attended the program were Dr. Rajdeep Sing, Mr Aditya Agarwal, Mr. Niranjan Naik and Mr Pankaj Kumar.

Green Summit
Green Summit
Green Summit

Capacity Building Workshop

Date: 27/06/2019
Topic S-Scientific, T-Technology, E-Engineering, M-Mathematics (STEM)
Venue: East Point School, FC-26, VASUNDHARA ENCLAVE, DELHI
Venue director: Ms. Mamta Agrawal (Vice-Principal)
Resource person: Dr. Amitabh Sharma CEO of STEM of USA  
A CBSE workshop on STEM was organised at EAST point school on 27/06/2019 where 59 participants from Delhi NCR including 5 from East Point School participated. The workshop started at 10:00am with the welcoming and introduction of the resource person by the principal, Ms. Anubha Srivastava. Initially all the participants were asked to introduce themselves. After that 12 groups were formulated randomly with 5 members in each group.
Dr. Amitabh Sharma emphasised on introduction of STEM in the schools as a STEM is the interdisciplinary fully experiential teaching of Science and Maths interspersed with engineering and technology. It is a proven pedagogy inspiring school students to innovate by developing critical out-of-the box thinking.
Teachers did three activities in their group. One was forming a mask to combat air pollution, another making a helmet and the last calculating the vital capacity.
All the members were completely involved and gained knowledge through learning by doing. Workshop was concluded by awarding certificates of participation by the Venue Director Ms. Mamta Agrawal.

Capacity Building Workshop
Capacity Building Workshop
Capacity Building Workshop
Capacity Building Workshop
Capacity Building Workshop
Capacity Building Workshop

Robotics Workshop

73 students from classes IV to XI attended a Hands on Workshop to understand the basics of Robotics.
The trainers from Robo Sapiens trained the students in mechanical and programming skills in order to assemble and inserting artificial mind in the Robot.
Classes IV and V students designed a line follower Robot and a sound sensing Robot.
Classes VI to XI programmed the Robot to follow the instructions and to track instructions. 
All over it was a nice learning experience for the students.


Yoga Workshop

Yoga Pics
Yoga Pics
Yoga Pics
Yoga Pics
Yoga Pics
Yoga Pics
Yoga Pics
Yoga Pics
Yoga Pics

IT Workshop

Workshop began with an introduction of basic elements of spreadsheet ,formula creation ,editing of cell values ,creating  graphs & formatting cells was demonstrate on smart board.Teachers did hands on learning on computer system by creating result sheets. The auto fill handle was explained which helps in creating series of data .Session became more interesting & interactive for them with introduction of google apps. An activity break the ice was conducted in which they were asked to identify the icons of various apps. Google drive ,translate,google draw ,Google Keep were introduced to them practically on smart board which can be implemented during classroom teaching. Types of files that can be shared on Google drives were demonstrated  like google sheets,google docs,google slides ,forms & drawings .Some important  online links  were provided 1. 2.Youtube Channel of NCERT NCERT OFFICIAL Channel Workshop was concluded with google surfing of these apps which teachers can use as resources for students .

IT Workshop
IT Workshop
IT Workshop
IT Workshop
IT Workshop
IT Workshop

English Workshop - KG

Workshop conducted by Grolier on 25.10.18 to introduce the activity sets available in school to enhance overall skills of the children. Different sets named by Logico Piccolo, Primo, Fun Thinker Grids, I Wonder Why Books and Talking English Pen were introduced according to the learning level of the children. The students actively participated in the group activities designed to explore and enhance their thinking and creative skills. It was a wonderful experience for the children.

Maths Workshop: Fibonacci Sequence

Venue : AV Room,East Point School
Date : 3rd Nov,2018
Presenter : Ms. Divya Bhatia,
                   Ms. Anju Sharma 
A Workshop was conducted for all the teachers on the topic Fibonacci sequence.In this topic teachers were explained about the origin  of Fibonacci sequence , its existence in nature and the various application of this sequence in the areas of architecture,music, stock trading ,art,design,science, analyses of various computer algorithms,coding and so on.
this session also included the explanation of the golden ration and its application in various areas.
Overall the session was an enriching experience and quite informative for the teachers.

Structured Approach of Science

Venue:-Clarks Inn: Pacific Mall Gzb
Organised by Mc Millian
Resource Person : Mr.Jyoti Parruck
Attended by: Ms Rich Sinha
                     Ms Seema Dixit
Mr.Jyoti Parruck is an eminent educationist who has an activities to explain the topics in class.This helps in engaging the students and make them understand the topic. He started the workshop by segregating the teachers. the first hands on activity that we did was making of parachute.Then we made joints huge joints,balls & socket joints with scale, tape,smiley,ball, paper cups. These activity help teachers to hold the attention of students and make the class room understanding a success.The workshop was very informative and useful.


A workshop on William Shakespeare’s play “Hamlet” was conducted in East Point School.The spirit of a murdered king, the wrath of a vengeful son and the turmoil of Denmark in1601. Shakespeare’s masterpiece tells the tale of young Prince Hamlet who, consumed withgrief, devotes himself to avenging his father’s death with devastating consequences for hisfamily and the Kingdom.Our workshop allowed students to develop a greater understanding of Shakespeare’s storiesand characters, and to understand the text through both video of the play “Hamlet” and PowerPoint Presentation.

Workshop on Hemlet
Workshop on Hemlet

Butterflies Session

A session on Butterflies was conducted in East Point School. 75 students of Class IX participated. In the former part of the session , students watched a presentation about life cycle ,behaviour  and habitat of the butterflies. 
In the later part students had a Nature Walk in the school campus . Students observed caterpillars on host tree Ashoka and Aak plant.


Class IX IT Vocational Workshop

Vocational Workshops
Vocational Workshops
Vocational Workshops
Vocational Workshops
Vocational Workshops
Vocational Workshops
Vocational Workshops
Vocational Workshops
Vocational Workshops

Workshop for Maths Department

Resource person :- Mr.Hukum Singh Date :- 4th Aug,2018
Subject expert Mr.Hukum Singh has an interactive session with the teachers of maths department.He discussed various problems of classroom which teachers face while dealing day to day with students.Sir,addressed solution to teachers.Also took follow up of the previous discussions. Maths Teachers from pre-primary, Primary, Middle,Senior, all attended the workshop.Teachers were satisfied by the methodologies he told.He had been a good guide & contributed a lot in improving the result of school.

SLF on Role of theater in Education

Date :- 3rd August,2018 SLF was prepared by team members of teachers :- Purnima Ms.Veni and Ms.Shweta
to sensitize the issues of importance of theater in Education. It Started with a video where some school children were demonstrating the concept of profit and loss by the medium of role play which was followed by a power point presentation on the same given by all the team members. It included all the team members. It included all the aspects of theater in education of children from pre-primary to senior sections. All the teachers were given a task to prepare a short demonstration on the topics given in the presentation. The session ended with a thank note.

Think Tank

East Point School conceived the idea of Think Tank some years ago to open a forum for minds to exchange knowledge and expertise. This year we organised a session for teachers and some students with the keynote speaker Mr. Deepak Gupta who gave an eloquent talk on Energy Transition on 20th July 2018 . The interactive session included an intriguing question and answer round which opened myriad thoughts and opinions. Such interactive session not only inform but also enlighten the minds and opens it to unexplored arenas.


Orientation for Accountancy Teachers

Resource person: mr.D.K.Goe The workshop was organised by APC books. The registration for the workshop started at 8:30 a.m. the workshop started at 9:00 a.m. and following topics were discussed: 1] Introduction of GST 2] Changes in cash flow statement 3] Death of a partner 4] Issue of shares The workshop ended at 1:30 p.m, followed by lunch. The workshop was very informative and help us understand all the changes made I the syllabus, specially the introduction of GST and its accounting treatment

Hygiene awareness for girls

Resource person: Ms.shweta tripati Date: 16-7-2018 School organised a ‘hygiene awareness workshop for girls’ to teach them the basis of cleanliness of private parts. The resource person shared her knowledge of checking the symptoms of breast cancer through a ppt. she explained the various steps involved in the process of checking. Initially the girls were bit hesitant and not comfortable, but the resource person kept on encouraging the girls. She made sure that girls are comfortable and are confident about their bodies.

Leadership skills and RACI matrix

Date-5-7-18 There was a workshop conducted by Ms.lavlesh from IIT, Delhi for coordinates and team leaders based on challenges faced by them He talked about various practical tools and strategies require to improve to improve the leadership capacity of coordinators how to develop high performing teams and collective genius. He discussed that “leadership preparation, training and support is critical”. According to him, ‘it’s as important that we have well-trained administrations.” He further discussed about RACI matrix which helps to map out who is responsible, is accountable, must be consulted with, and shall stay informed. It is especially useful in classifying roles and responsibilities in cross functional departmental projects and processes

NCF 2005

Date: 29-6-18 There was a workshop conducted by Dr.Hukum Singh, professor of mathematics, NCERT, on the guidelines of NCF for the teaching staff of East Point School. He talked about the purity of mind and soul on the part of teachers as well as parents to nurture the students. He discussed about the NFC’s focus on ‘learning without burden’ to makr learning a joyful experience. Connection of knowledge with the outside life.also development of a sense of self-reliance and dignity of individual. He ended with a note on the truthfulness and pureness on the part of teachers could instill values and ethics in children

Value Education

Date:28th june,2018 SLF was organised by the team members of teacher –Ms.Mamta Aggarwal,Ms.Ritu Goel,Ms.Metilda to sensitise the issue of importance of value education and ways to integrate it in classroom started with the video highlighting the consequences of missing education among youth, followed by the ways by which it can be inculcated. Value education is associated with those different fedagogies, methods that teachers or educators use in order to create learning experiences for students when it comes to value questions. the value and attidudes are live by affect how we relate to other people and to all our activities in the environment. Many useful ways were discussed along with the values to be imbilied like sense of humanism, a deep concern for the well-being of others and nation etc.


Click It Right!!!
Our school Students from IX-XII participated in DIGEX 2018, organized by Delhi Public School R.K Puramon 12 th May 2018. The students participated in photography based competitions. The competitionstested the student’s competency in photographic skills, creativity and other technical abilities. Theschool also organized workshops for students and teachers which exposed them to ways of clicking theright moment with the right equipment. Photography has come rather essential in the recent years andhence it becomes necessary how to do it correctly.


Preventive healthcare - “Thoughtful eating

A workshop on preventive healthcare was conducted on 4.5.18 for the teachers. The highlight of the workshop was “Thoughtful eating " conducted by Medi-skool, a preventive healthcare company, which helps people in achieving optimal health through early diagnosis and lifestyle modification programme. The speaker  Dr. Priti Nanda Sibal interacted with the teachers by discussing about unhealthy eating, hidden health issues, food meditation  and briefing them about the concept of  thoughtful eating. The workshop was conducted in A.V room and involved 1 hour of information and fun filled activities.

Teachers as mentors by Mr.Kamalneet and Ms. Ritik

The speaker here spoke about the need to be happy and shared  ways to remain happy in the turbulent times . They  shared simple techniques like dancing that releases dopamanie , is a happy hormone. They conducted some activities and shared the importance of it. For example – he asked the teachers to speak some tongue twisters. The importance behind it is was to improve fluency. He conducted activities which would help one to sharpen one’s  memory.  He expressed the need to wake up with positive thoughts to stay happy and positive all day and allows a better thought process and  removes the negativity. He concluded the workshop by doing some activities and also by giving a task to the teachers  to go and find out from students  what are the things they have gratitude for and what is their biggest strength and biggest reliever. What a great way to begin the session….Happy beginnings, Happy endings!!!


Teachers as leaders- Ms.Monisha

The speaker explained the basic qualities a teacher should posses with greater focus on various learning methods and techniques which are helpful for nurturing teacher-student relationship. Qualities like leadership, enthusiasm, one vision for the entire year, planning and preparing for the classes, attitude and positive thinking and believing in students, were discussed. Teachers were categorized as those who undertake responsibility of a student’s progress and those who leave it to the student to revise. The speaker highlighted the importance of vigilance in tracking a student’s performance. Educators were introduced to the ‘5 senses methodology’ highlighting the methods to trigger a student’s learning by focusing on three main receptors - audio, visual and kinesthetic. She spoke about the Pygmation effect and also how to build trust and expectations from children.She concluded the workshop with a small activity and gave examples and also told us how important it is to bring humor in class.This workshop provided the much needed inspiration to the facilitators.

Microsoft Tools

A workshop on Microsoft Tools was conducted  on 26.3.18 for the teachers. The highlight of the workshop was the usage of Microsoft 360 and the software in it like- One Note, Skype, Sway, Microsoft Edge Exchange, Lync, Microsoft Power Point (new version with subtitles, One Drive, etc. The speaker explained the multifaceted benefits of these software such as wider accessibility, increased memory storage (upto 1TB), improved document organizing and tracking etc. With the use of these advanced programs such as One Note, teachers can upload notes online allowing students at access them from their homes. Similarly, Sway assists in creating slides with a focus on the content and use comparisons like before and after. She concluded the workshop by recommending  a course for teachers –technology basic.


CBSE Science Exhibition

Students participated were Lavanya Bhatt, Muskaan Singh, Ramita Rajesh & Navya Supriyan of class IX – B. exhibition was headed on Digital and technological solutions, resource management and food security, health and well-being, mathematical modelling, transport and communication and waste material and water body conservation. Our school participated under the theme resource management and food security under sub themes-
  a. Plant electricity 
  b. Anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and insecticidal properties of marigold.
Eminent judges were – Dr. K.K.Nathan, Dr. Rajni Kukreja, Dr. V. Ventakraman, Dr. Yogesh Kumar, Dr. Neha Sharma, Dr. Ayyapan. 
50 students from classes VII and VIII and IX visited to see exhibition on 10 January 2018 with the teachers. Students observed the exhibition and learned about the innovations of students in different fields. Through this event, a platform was provided to the students where they got exposed to knowledge of science beyond the textbooks.

Sci Exhi.
Sci Exhi.
Sci Exhi.
Sci Exhi.
Sci Exhi.
Sci Exhi.

Metals Workshop

East point school had organised a metals workshop on the 16 th December 2017. The speakers for the programme were Mr.L Pugazenthy and Mr. S.C Suri. Mr. Pugazenthy spoke about the transformation of the role of metals from Iron Age to Nano Age. While Mr. Suri laid emphasis on the activities and services provided at IIM. Our school received books and momento from IIM which was presented to us by Mr. S.C Suri

MS Pics
MS Pics
MS Pics

Microsoft WorkShop

‘Empowering a Brighter Future’-
by Ms. Suman Chawla (Microsoft Learning Consultant)
Date: 1/12/17          Venue-Computer Lab
The workshop aimed at addressing the pain points of the teachers. It’s been said that ‘teachers might be replaced by technology in the near future’. This statement is hyperbolic as the correct framing would be- ‘The teachers in sync with the technology will replace the teachers who are not.
- According to the Anthony Salcito, the Vice President ‘Technology for Inclusive Education in India’, the use of technology in education should be to devise strategies to keep the children engaged
- Digital transformation is the next industrial revolution. The gap between the physical and digital images is blurring day by day. The old methods cannot be solely continued nowadays
- The whole world is changing and in this world, CLOUD and BIG DATA are the latest terms in use. These relate to infinite storage space fulfilling the need of the time
- The use of technology has made things/ issues more transparent and simpler than before. One example is Demonetization whereby people were asked to go online for financial transactions in order to bring transparency in their records
- Today there is a ‘Skill Gap’ of about 70-72% in India and China where people have the job but not the skill apt for it
- 5Cs are the most prominently talked about terms these days:
1.      Creativity & Imagination
2.      Critical Thinking
3.      Communication & Leadership
4.      Citizenship
5.      Collaboration & Digital Literacy
Among these the Digital Literacy is a Fluid Skill which flows from one learner to the other smoothly.

MS Pics
MS Pics
MS Pics


30 students of Robotics Club visited National Science Centre to attend a Robotics workshop. Students worked on Lego kits and programmed the artificial brain of the Robotic Car.

Robotics Workshop
Robotics Workshop
Robotics Workshop


Vinayak Dangwal and Shreyan Shukla were privileged to participate in a talk with NASA ASTRONOMER , Dr Henry Throop at American Centre , Delhi on 24/08/2017.
The topic of the talk was " ARE WE ALONE IN UNIVERSE " based on ASTRO BIOLOGY.

Nasa Astronomer Workshop
Nasa Astronomer Workshop
Nasa Astronomer Workshop

Preparation for Board Exam by Mr.Vimal Gupta

Workshop:- How to score 95% marks in Board Exams by Mr.Vimal Gupta of carrier leaders for commerce and humanities streams of class XI & XII was held on 24th Aug,2017.Tips for cracking Boards and preparation for exams were given.

Board Exam Preparation
Board Exam Preparation
Board Exam Preparation

Goods And Services (GST) Workshop

Goods And Services (GST) Workshop  for class XI and XII (Commerce Stream) was held on 22nd Aug,17. The Resource person was Mrs. Mehak Aggarwal from Success Mantra. Students were made aware of the system of direct and indirect taxes which have been replaced by GST. 1211 commodities have been put under 0%, 5%, 12%, 18%, and 28 % slabs. It was a good learning experience which also clarified the bases of GST. 


"Changes In Syllabus In Accountancy"

On 15.07.17 workshop conducted by CA.(Dr.) G.S. Grewal & R.K. Khosla at Islamic Center Lodi Road, Delhi. The main purpose of this workshop was to make aware about the recent changes in the syllabus in Accountancy.

Expectations from a Future Ready School

On 29.06.17 workshop conducted in AV room by Ms. Vandana Sharma, Ms. Mettilda, and Ms, Stuti Sahoo in order to plan and implement personalized, research based digital learning strategies.

Tie and Dye - By Hindustan Times

On 12.05.17 HT conducted a workshop for class VII students & Art the senior art room. It is based on the values of traditional art and creativity in the students. They learnt the skills of tying and dying with the Acrylic (Fabric) colours and without flame.

Career Opportunities - BY Ms. Kritika Atreya

On 11.05.17 the resource person Ms.Kritika Atreya conducted a workshop based on " How to do a start up of your own and become an entrepreneur",her presentation describing her experience in East Point School as a student as she has passes out this school in 2010.

Robotics - By Technicians from Avishkar Box.

On 30.03.17 workshop was conducted  by Technicians from Avishkar Box at Sri Ram School, Moulsari Gurugram.Technicians taught the assembling and working of robotics cars manually and through programming. 

Life in Space-By. Prof Alok Vahia

On 06.04.17 workshop was conducted at Nehru Planetarium by Prof.Alok Vahia from Tata Memorial Research Centre, Mumbai on " Life in Space". He explained about whether life in space is possible or not.

"Awareness Program - On Dangers of Tobacco"

On 07.04.17 awareness program was conducted by 'SHARP' for the students of class XI. The speaker explained the ill effects of smoking via a presentation which gave knowledge to the students about the various constituents of a cigarette and how it harm the body.

"Development of E-Content In Commerce" - BY NCERT

NCERT organized 5 days workshop from (27.03.17 to 31.03.17) based on development of E-Content in Accountancy and in relation to work entrusted to it by Department of school education and Literacy, MHRD, Government of India.

Maths and EVS (Related to Resources, Kits)

On 25.05.17 workshop was conducted by Ms. Anju Sharma & Ms. Richa Sinha for teachers of classes I-V based on how to use the activity kits and various other resources that are available in the resource room.Like:- Ganit Mala, Fraction kit, Abacus kit etc.

Jolly Phonics - By Ms. Mallika Juneja

On 23.07.17 A workshop was conducted in I C for teachers of Classes Nur-V . 42/44 sounds instead of 26 letters were shown.More emphasis was placed on phonics,letter formation,blending letters,identifying sounds in words and tricky words.This workshop helped teachers to understand teaching of phonics in a class room situation. 

NIE-Mask Making - By Ms. Sadana

On 04.05.17 Ms. Sadhana from NIE conducted the workshop for mask making for class V. She taught children to make a beautiful mask using simple things like Wasted Papers,Sketch Pens,Glue and Sissors. 

Health - By Dr. Anshuman Kumar

On 21.04.17 teachers of our school were privileged to have an opportunity to attend a workshop so eye-opening that shook all up to the roots. Facts often under known and misunderstood about the deadly Cancer,were clarified. Dr. Kumar asked everyone to focus on four fatal diseases.- Hypertension, Diabetes, Heart diseases and Cancer.  

Read To Me - By Ms. Kalpana

On 30.03.27, Ms. Kalpana introduced the teachers of classes Pre-Primary to V with their newly advanced 'Read To Me' software. This is a new product with retained simpler tools. The teachers are expected to take at least three periods a week regularly.

An Open Mind (SLF) - By Ms. Anubha Srivastava

On 29.03.17 our Principal Ma'am came up with an insightful exposition dealing with the routine classroom issues faced and posed by the teachers.

Oxford /CBSE - By Gayatri Khanna

A workshop notifying the changes in the marking scheme of classes VI-IX was organized at our school on 23.07.17 in the Maths Lab. We also came to know that from next year onwards, classes VI and VIII will have their external exams.