

Online launch function of VVM

A session was organised with Dr Harshvardhan , Hon’ble Union Minister of Science and Technology as the Chief Guest on 2nd August 2020 from 2.30 p.m. onward. We also had the privilege to see and inetract with  Dr Arvind Ranade, National Convener of Vigyan Vidyarthi Manthan, Dr Nikhil Parashar, Proff Ashutosh Sharma, Secretary Dept of Science and Technology, Proff  Shekhar Sharma , Secretary of dept of science and industrial research.
Dr Arvind explained the objective of conducting the VVM exam .The purpose of the exam was to select the students who are really enthusiastic about learning science and to provide them a platform to explore science with famous Indian Scientists.
Dr Harshvardhan appreciated the efforts of Vigyan Bharti and Vigyan Parasar to provide an unmatched opportunity to the students to learn science and to take interest in science related activities.

International Tiger Day

Students of Class V expressed their love for the big cat through art and words to celebrate International Tiger Day  on July 29th 2020. 

Van Mahotsav 2020-21

Observing the Van Mahotsav Week, a workshop was conducted online for the students of class 8. Students were told and teacher displayed that what points need to be taken care of while preparing pots. Also method of vegetative propagation and growing plants by preparing sprouts of dicotyledons seeds were shown.



Celebrated from (01.07.20 - 07.07.20)
‘Let’s nurture the nature so that we can have a better future.’
Van Mahotsav week activities were conducted to save and protect the environment from different challenges the world is facing today.  To mark this important week, the school organized activities and provided an opportunity to the students to show their concern for environment and spread awareness about its protection. The students participated in activities related to Van Mahotsav with great zeal. They planted saplings, watered plants inside their house as well as outside their houses and wrote slogans, quotes to propagate the message of protecting the environment from degrading. Effort made by the students showcased their love and care towards environment. The motivation of parents in helping the children do their bit in saving the environment was commendable indeed.  The children participated with full vigour and enthusiasm. The activity was not only an expression of their hidden skill and creativity but also their contribution towards the betterment of environment.


 An awareness session was organised by GREEN SCHOOL PROGRAMME, CSE for the students of Classes VI TO VIII .Topic of the session was ‘ AIR POLLUTION TRENDS AND CLIMATE CHANGE’.
78 students and Eco Club teachers Ms Purnima Singh Pundeer, Ms Rita Chauhan ,Ms Arti Dimri and Ms Sushmita Das attended the session.
Ms Srishti Jha, Ms Tushita Rawat and Ms Arti Sharma from GSP conducted the workshop.
Vaibhavi Shah , Ronal Robin , Muskan Varalika Varma ,Pari, Arush Negi, Aarohi Ranjan , Ridhima,of Class VII Srishti Amit PAL, Lakshit , Nishtha of VIII, Pranshu , Adwait  , Raman Verma , Aarav of Class VI participated actively . They shared the solutions which can help in maintaining the clean environment after lockdown in Chat Box.
A small quiz was organised and Adwait Krishna of VI C was the winner of the quiz.
Over all it was a nice experience for the students in understanding the need of the hour which is being aware and spearhead the movement against climate change.


Model Conference Of Parties

East Point School students Muskan Gupta, Ridhima Pawar, Srishti , Zarish Fatima of class VII and Akansha Shukla of class VI with Ms Purnima Singh Pundeer, Environment Incharge , attended online Webinar titled as ‘ Model Conference Of Parties’ organised by WWF on 22/5 . It was aimed to provide exposure to the students about the Convention of Biological Diversity .
The day , 22nd May, is celebrated across the globe as International Day for Biological Diversity
Hon’able Minister Mr Prakash Javedkar  inaugurated the session and eminent speakers Dr Chong Shimrey, Associate Proffesor, NCERT, Mr Atul Bagai, Country head, UNEP, spoke how young generation can take care of nature.
Dr Erach Bharicha, Wild Life Photographer and working with WWF explained the necessity of Pollination and Pollinators to keep the life cycle continued on the Earth.
Mr Shiraz Wazih talked about soil and microorganisms present in it and how they help to get soil fertile on its own.
Mr Suresh Babu described how important it is to save Wetlands as these regulate floods and act as flood cushioning system.
The session was enriching and students attended  it with great interest.
More than 250 participants including students and teachers all over the country attended the session.
A great door to open at the time of crisis.


Earth Day 50th Anniversary


Earth Day Competitions Results

East Point School , Eco Club has organised a digital event on 50th anniversary of Earth Day.
Students participated enthusiastically and sent their entries in respective categories.
We appreciate everyone’s effort.

Results are as follows

Topic- Breathe free and Pollution Free world
Ist - Punya Mago.  IV A
IInd - Umang Negi  IV D
IIIrd - Shreya Bhandari  IV A

Class - V
Topic-Save the Endangered
1st - Vaibhav Singh  VE
IInd - Tina VE
IIIrd - Aryan Kumar Singh V D

Class - VI
Slogan Writing
Nature heals itself

Ist - Dipankar Roy Choudhary  VI B
IInd - Gowri Sunil VI C
IIIrd - Ayush Kumar Thakur. VI A

Class VII
Poem/ Story Writing
If trees can communicate with humans.

Ist - Riya Sinha VII A
IInd - Aanya Negi VII A
IIIrd - Arnavi Gupta VII A

Class VIII
Cartoon Strip/ Painting
Earth - 50 years down the line

Ist - Aniket Pal VIII A
IInd - Amit Pal VIII A
IIIrd - Unnati VIII D

Open for all the students - Class IX to XII
Movie Making- Topic-“In Search of Planet B”
Ist - Kumar Utkarsh - XI C
IInd - Saksham Kukreti - IX C
IIIrd - Anjali Dass - XI C

Going Green in Times of Quarantine

East Point School students of class VII, Muskan Gupta, Aashna Arun, Romya Ranjan Somal and Srishti participated in a question and answer session with famous Nutritionist Ms Neelanjana.
Neelanjana Singh is a Registered Dietitian and Wellness Consultant. She is the author of OUR KID EATS EVERYTHING and WHY SHOULD I EAT HEALTHY and a  health columnist with The Morning Standard ( New Indian Express).She addressed the students and shared with them the ideal food habits to keep them healthy and fit during the lockdown. They discussed and the answers given by Ms Neelanjana Singh surely enlightened the children.

Dengue and Malaria Awareness

East Point School understands the need to stay healthy and also be cautious in the season of diseases. Keeping this thought in mind , the students of Eco Club and NCC Cadets , conducted a rally to spread awareness about Dengue, chikungunya and Malaria.
Students carried posters and raised slogans for the prevention of the deadly diseases.It is imperative that each one is aware, after all prevention is better than  cure.


Pledge for maintaining the cleanliness

Swachhta Pakhwada Week Activity done in the assembly by taking pledge for maintaining the cleanliness in and around us in the school, houses and society. 

Cleanliness - Swachta Pakhwada

Students watching video of methods of correct hand washing technique.Preparing pledge cards to spread awareness about maintaining hygiene.Students cleaning classrooms to maintain cleanliness.

Maintaining Cleanliness

Students writing letters to authorities asking for Cleanliness of garbage due to vendors and cleaning of blocked drains.Spreading awareness regarding maintaining cleanliness and hygiene during menstrual cycle.students putting up exhibition on maintaining cleanliness and hygiene.

Van Mahotsav 2019

Eco club, East Point School celebrated VanMahotsav Day on 6/7/2019.
Members of Rotary Club- President Ms Sushila Aggarwal, Area Chairperson Ms Dolly Kaul, District President Ms Hemlata Phalaria and District Chairperson Ms Indu Saha, planted saplings in school ground. Also school PTA members Mr Sushil and Ms Vandana planted the saplings.
Students of Classes IX AND X, sowed seeds to develop herbal and vegetable garden in the school.

Van Mahotsav Activity
Van Mahotsav Activity
Van Mahotsav Activity
Van Mahotsav Activity
Van Mahotsav Activity
Van Mahotsav Activity

Global Tiger Day

Global Tiger Day was celebrated by the students of East Point School in the premises, to not only know our national animal but also understand the need to save them from extinction.
Students prepared posters, wore badges and painted their hands to show their love for the animal.
with such concerted efforts the students added their bit to let the ROAR last forever.

Global Tiger Day
Global Tiger Day
Global Tiger Day
Global Tiger Day

'Kokedama' Activity

Eco club does'nt believe in the green campaign but also in innovating at every possible step. keeping this objective in mind, students prepared ‘Kokedama’ at school in their Think Green Period.
Kokedama is Japanese art of preparing pots. This is a ball of soil covered with moss and provides all required nutrients to the plant to grow. Let's go GREEN, lets go CREATIVE!!!!

Kokedama  Activity
Kokedama  Activity
Kokedama  Activity

Eco Club Annual Award Function

Eco Club along with Patel House of  East Point School organised it’s Annual Award Function of year 2018-19 on 16/7/2019. The green brigade children showcased their concern for the environment through various cultural activities which included a “Viriksha Vandana”, an elocution on environment, a street play and a dance “Namami Gange”. The occasion was graced by Dr Chetna Anand,Environmentalist and Scientist, Environment Department, Delhi. Dr Chetna lauded the efforts of the children and expressed her pleasure to find the children active in all areas of environmental concern that their department is emphasizing on. She briefed the students and teachers about various activities of her office where the children can pool in data or conduct mini researches, adding that the awakening at student level goes a long way to bring impact on the society. The students and the teachers expressed gratitude for her words of praises and the green brigade promised to adopt her suggestions and be responsible towards the environment.

Annual Award Function
Annual Award Function
Annual Award Function
Annual Award Function
Annual Award Function
Annual Award Function
Annual Award Function
Annual Award Function
Annual Award Function
Annual Award Function
Annual Award Function
Annual Award Function
Annual Award Function
Annual Award Function
Annual Award Function
Annual Award Function
Annual Award Function

Earth Day Celebration - Class 1

The young learners of class I celebrated earth day by making seed bombs. They learnt that how these easy to make seed bombs are enabling us to grow plants anywhere.

Earth Day Celebration - Class 4

On the occasion of Earth Day on 22 April students of class 4 prepared DRIP IRRIGATORS using  waste plastic bottles and adopted plants of their school garden and placed the drip irrigators near the plants enthusiastically watering them .  They learnt a new technique DRIP IRRIGATION ( watering the plants) and took the pledge to take care of plants in their surroundings 

Earth Day Celebration

Children of class III celebrated Earth day by making bottle planters  and developed a green corner in their classrooms.They understood the benefits of  recycling waste as well as the wonders of money plant .

Think Green Activities

Children of class 3 went around the campus identifying the flowering plants.They found the names of various flowers in the campus like sunflower,calendula,rose,marigold, sadabahar, petunias etc

Nature Walk - Class 5

The students went on a nature walk within the school grounds to identify different flowers and study the parts of flower. They chose one flower and drew it and then they labelled the parts of the flower. They children enjoyed observing different flowers and were very enthusiastic to know their names and qualities.  

Swachhta Pakhwada - Letter Writing

On day 10, students wrote letters to their parents about swacchta pakhwada activities and their understanding about the importance of cleanliness. 

Swachhta Pakhwada - Rainwater Harvesting

On day9, Students of class I-III were made aware of the rainwater harvesting system working in our school and how it works to conserve water i.e improves the ground level of our school area and nearby.

Swachhta Pakhwada - Video on water borne diseases

Water is an important part of our life but when gets polluted it becomes very harmful.  On day 8, Students were made aware of one of the harmful effects of water pollution like water borne diseases by showing them videos and discussing the symptoms and it's preventive measures. Students were curious to know more about the diseases and showed eagerness to spread the awareness among their family and friends.

Swachhta Pakhwada -Best out of waste Activity

On day 7, our students prepared cards on teachers day using pencil shavings, ice-cream sticks and waste packing material. They also used their creative skills to make paper weight and book marks.

Swachhta Pakhwada - Rally

On Day 6 Students of Green Brigade from classes 4 and 5 took responsibility of spreading awareness about keeping the surroundings clean by taking out a rally to the nearest market . They sensitized shopkeepers about the importance of cleanliness and encouraged them to keep two separate bins for dry and wet waste.

Swachhta Pakhwada - Personal Hygiene Activity

On day 5 students of classes 4 and 5 watched the videos related to personal hygiene as it is equally important along with keeping the surroundings clean . After watching the videos teachers had interactive session with students followed by brochure making activity in which students have mentioned the - tips to have personal hygiene,it's benefits and what will happen if we have bad hygiene?

Swachhta Pakhwada Assembly -Segregating Waste

On 4th day of swacchta pakhwada an assembly was conducted spreading the awareness related to the importance of segregating waste on daily basis. Students were made aware about how wet waste can be converted into manure. It was followed by a short quiz. Our class 4  students enthusiastically took up broom and garbage bags to clean up every nook and corner of their classroom, corridor and school ground. The whole drive was quite inspiring and motivating for students

Swachhta Pakhwada - Planting Saplings

On day 3 of Swachhta Pakhwada, our Green Brigade went a step ahead and planted saplings in the planters within the school premises. They also created a fresh breath corner in their classrooms thereby aiding the activity the purification of the air.

Swachhta Pakhwada - Cleanliness Drive

East Point School moved into the day 2 of cleanliness drive with great vigour. On this day, our Green Brigade worked in full swing to clean their classrooms. Apart from this, our students watched videos depicting moral responsibility to keep their surrounding clean.

Swachhta Pakhwada - Pledge (Clean India)

East point school had been promoting cleanliness drive since long time.  We are delighted to support swachhta drive programme. Our students of Class 4 and 5 took oath on 1 September to continue cleanliness drive beyond the fortnight.  Our Green Brigade team will lead the program and create awareness among our students.

Tree Plantation

Tree plantation on 14/8/2018 by Chief guest and other guests in outskirts of the school.


Van Mahotsav

As East Pointers, we believe that “Trees are the kindest things we grow”. Week long Van Mahotsav festivities were observed by the students of our school from 2nd – 7th July 2018. The students participated in activities like watering the plants, writing slogans, making posters and planting saplings. As a part of our responsibility to the society the “Green Warriors “of EPS took up the task to develop the green belt in the adjoining areas. The week-long activities culminated with a tree plantation drive outside the school premises to sensitise the community about importance of planting trees. Our guest of honour, Mr. Rajeev Kumar and other eminent MCD members encouraged the students to nurture and take care of the saplings to increase the green cover of Delhi. Students interaction with the counsellor motivated them to take responsibility of saplings they planted and strengthen their bond with nature. The programme ended with a pledge to plant trees and protect them

Earth Day Activities

Eco club students of East Point School from classes I to X, showcased their Earth Day week activities through an exhibition on 21/4/2018. Dr B C Sabat, Senior Scientist , Ministry of Environment, graced the occasion by his presence.

Say No to Plastics

Eco club along with NCC cadets organised a rally on 18/4/2018  in outskirts of the School,Vasundhra Enclave to raise awareness against use of plastic in daily life. 
Students raised slogans,distributed pamphlets supporting their campaign.
Also posters were made and displayed  in the School to make students and society aware of threats to environment because of using plastics.


Annual Award Ceremony

Muskan Gupta of class VI and Aniket Pal of V recieved award for their concerns towards environment.Muskan Gupta is incharge of Rolly Polly team and Aniket Pal collects environment related  news everyday and shares in class.

Cleanliness Drive

Cleanliness drive at the school play ground by children of class IV and V .They enthusiastically cleaned their school ground for Annual Sports Day(juniors)while a cleanliness song was played .

Annual Environment Programme

Annual Environment Programme was conducted in East Point School on 27/10/2017. Dr Swaminathan, Associate Proff , Department of Physics, Maharaja Agrasen College, University of Delhi and Mr Arun Gupta , Member  of management committee ,East Point School , Chairman NTPC( Retired). Environment Secretary of the School welcomed the guests, students class 10 presented an Elocution ushering the audience to Save Earth.Class 9 students thereafter presented a ppt on ‘ The Success of Montreal Protocol’ followed by a vibrant and thought provoking Panel Discussion.The programme ended with the Annual Award Ceremony of the Environment Department of the School.
The proud award winners included :-
Category                                                                       Name of the student 
1.Regular Collection of vegetable peels                          Muskan Gupta
2.Compost collection.                                                      Aniket Pal
3.Waste Paper collection                                                 Shubham Samantha
4.Creative Presentation                                                   Rabika Azmi 
 in Environment related 
Conducting reading collection                                      Akshira Pandey
of Rain Gauge, Making of charts
6.Conducting investigatory projects                                Lavanya Bhat
Dr Swaminathan in his address to the students appreciated the efforts put in by students in preparing the presentation on Montreal Protocol and participating activity in Panel Discussion on ‘Montreal Protocol ‘ and Climate Change. He brought forward certain points related to the topic and enhanced the knowledge of the students by answering the questions asked by the audience.Mr Arun Gupta also discussed various facts effecting climate change from his long experience of being the head of several projects related to urban development and their impact on Environment.Dr Swaminathan invited the school for an exchange programme between School and college students based on different Environment activities.

'Anti Cracker Campaign and Rally’

East Point Eco Club students conducted an ‘ Anti Cracker Campaign and Rally’ around the neighbourhood of the School 17/10/2017. Students lauded the decision of the Supreme Court banning crackers and raised slogans to spread awareness in the community.


Workshop by Mr.Umesh Gupta

35 Students attended workshop, organised by DSLSA under the project "Greening Delhi Project".

Workshop by Mr.Umesh Gupta
Workshop by Mr.Umesh Gupta

Visit to Smriti Van

20 students from eco club attended the tree plantation organised by DSLSA under "Green Delhi Project" at Smriti Van

Tree Plantation Drive

40 green brigade students and 6 eco teachers with other staff participated in tree plantation drive in collaboration with Maharaja Agrasen College.
Chief Guest :-
Mr Rajiv  MCD Counillor
Mr.Sabala Sr. Scientist environment department  

Tree Plantation Drive
Tree Plantation Drive
Tree Plantation Drive

Experiment on Rain Gauge

Students plotted rain gauge at quadrangle on 10th july,17

Rain Gaugae
Rain Gaugae
Rain Gaugae

Celebrating Van Mahotsav 7th July,17

IV-V   Planters by plastic bottles and fresh breath
VI-VIII  Watched Ppt on Van Mahotsav
IX-X   Planted trees and removed weeds