

The curriculum of school has been designed with a view to render the right environment for holistic development of each child; let it be Pre-primary, Primary, Middle, Secondary or Senior Secondary.   It provides an ambience of rich and worthwhile teaching-learning experience to its learners which is conducive to the all round development of a child.  While designing it, earnest endeavour was made to help our scholars attain academic proficiency, explore their potential intensively& hone latent talents immensely.

Pre-primary : ‘Learning while you play and play while you learn’ is the motto of Pre-primary curriculum.  The tiny tots learn language, number and EVS through interactive boards, music, art, story telling and interactive activities of the Montessori room.  Field trips and celebrations are also an integral part of the learning process.  Play way method helps young learners proceed at their own pace providing a large variety of experience based learning.
Primary : The ‘Mother Teacher’ method is being followed by class I to boost young learners’ confidence and make teaching learning process more interactive.  Language development activities and story tellingsessions, RTM (Read to Me) and Interactive boards help students enhance their communication skills, imagination and creativity.  Hands on Science and Maths activities hone their scientific temperament and mathematical skills.  Apart from core subjects’ teaching learning – Think Green activities, theme based day camps and innovative club activities are also an important part of the curriculum.  Periodic regular formal and informal assessments are done under CCE schedule
Middle School &Secondary :  The curriculum is purely based on the Continuous and Comprehensive system of Education which makes learning ‘development oriented’ and not ‘syllabus oriented’.  It takes care of all aspects of a scholar’s personality, viz., behaviour, attitude, aptitude, potential, skill, knowledge, academic performance etc.  Special attention has been given to child-centric learning and the curriculum became progressive learning by doing.  Children with different learning abilities get equal opportunities to acquire knowledge and understand concepts with better clarity through various group and peer activities, research work and remedial classes.  Scholastic and co-scholastic activities are equally important for an overall development of a child which have been taken into consideration while designing the curriculum.  Integrating technology is essential for academic prowess which is a core component of the curriculum.  Apart from regular textual learning, Sports, yoga, music, dance, art, performing arts, value based learning are all a part of the curriculum.  RTM (Read to Me) software, ASL (Assessment of Speaking and Learning), Think Green activities, PPTs, projects, science models, excursions, field trips, theme based camps, workshops and group discussions are adopted as a tool of assessment and imparting knowledge from time to time.  Regular testing with feedback and remedial tasks improves and empowers the standard of learning.  To foster competitive spirit, satisfy natural inquisitiveness, sharpen intelligence and empower logical and reasoning skills, various competitions and Olympiads are conducted
Senior Secondary : CBSE SyllabusAlso includes community service, general studies, experiments,practicals, projects and experience based learning.