

National Unity Day

Every year 31st October is commemorated as the National Unity Day, remembering the birth day of a legend Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel ,who dreamt of a nation built on the strong foundation of unity. Our school staff and the students came together to pledge to make our country unified forever and remove the impediments that create discord.



TRIUMPH OVER EVIL The season that dawns on us speaks of how with positivity we can conquer evil and other demons that threaten our society. Our students ascertain this value by getting engaged with activities. So let us support their noble cause, and support their journey on the right path.


THE GANDHIAN MANTRA" Be the Change that you wish to see in the world"These noble words uttered by the father of the nation Gandhiji, became our source of inspiration for embracing the change and holding a virtual celebration of GANDHI JAYANTI on 2nd October 2020.A video comprising of specially fashioned snippets of performances ranging from poems, teachings of the Mahatma, songs and pictography all dedicated to our Bapu, was played for the classes. The special video designed by the students of Gandhi House under the mentorship of Mr. Gaurav Tokas, not only reminded about the tumultuous yet inspiring life of Gandhi but also wheedled the children to learn from the Mahatma and be the change that we wish to see in others. It is our ardent endeavor to let the young tender minds ponder over the teachings of Gandhiji and tread a path that would lead us all to peace and global fraternity, especially during these troubled times.


Teacher's Day 2020

A teacher is one who bears the light to a better world. On 5th September 2020, a programme specially fashioned for the teachers , was organised by the students of RadhaKrishnan House and Student Council. The programme witnessed by the teachers included an introduction to Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan,his works and his monumental achievements which was followed by a Guru Vandana and an Ode to the teachers by our little tots in the form of wishes and messages. The programme then was piloted by the Student Council members, with the President's address as the commencement and a video montage of teachers and their contribution. The teachers couldn't be more delighted and softened by the experience that despite the contingencies the students will continue to see them as their second parents and would get awed by their works.


The schools are closed, children indoors, online classes galore but no compromise on national fervor.For the first time, the celebration of our country's freedom saga, was done on the online portal. The day was 15th August 2020 and the students ,despite the impedance of lack of physical presence decided to wish everyone in the East Point Family a joyous Independence Day. The class teachers hosted a meeting with their students and parents where they broadcasted the videos of dance, song, poem recitation and orchestra all glorifying the day and paying salutations to our country.The video montage was an amalgamation created by snippets of children performing on one song or a poem. The choreography on BHARAT HAMKO JAAN SE BHI PYAARA, the melody of VANDE MAATRAM , the orchestral tune on MERI DESH KI DHARTI and the unison eloquence on AAJ TIRANGA all added the national fervor and  feeling one, as seeds of the motherland.The program commenced with the address of the Vice Principal and concluded with the teacher wishing each one a memorable Independence Day.
The day may be challenging
The nights darker
 But the voices of unity shall flourish
And strengthen the patriotism further.

Happy Independence Day - 2020

Students of classes IV and V are proud to exhibit their love for the country through their artistic talent on our 74th Independence Day.

Investiture Ceremony 2020

“ A genuine leader is not a searcher for consensus but a molder of consensus”- MARTIN LUTHER KING Jr. Each year we celebrate this ceremony with sheer solemnity and pride as we vest our newly elected council to govern the students fraternity better. This year too, despite the challenges and limitations we decided to hold a ceremony on electronic portal, on 20th July 2020, to bestow upon the students their duties and admonish them about their responsibilities. The meeting was attended by the council members and our Vice Principal Ms. Prantika Basu and Headmistress- Ms. Ritu Goel. The session started by a video which exposed the students to the larger view of what leadership is. The students then were introduced with the positions they were going to serve for the current academic year. Each council member shared her/ his aim and vision for a better horizon for the school. The session concluded with Ms. Prantika Basu and Ms. Ritu Goel wishing the best and also apprised them of the need to go cahoot with the school and ascend to greater heights.

Spic Macay ANUBHAV 2020

A CULTURAL AFFAIR- SPIC MACAY ANUBHAV 2020 Spic Macay and East Point School have a long tenured camaraderie and each year our students get the golden opportunity to get a culturally rich exposure. This year the process changed due to the lockdown. A specially crafted programme ANUBHAV was endorsed wherein 18 students and 2 teachers got the golden ticket to not only attend online concerts but also the chance to have first hand conversation with the eminent artists. The week long programme spilled not only a rich learning umbrella but also tuned the participants to a disciplined and favourable regime. The activities started from dawn, enabling the children to embrace early morning activities and have a fresh start. The interaction was on Google Meet and some of our students got the chance to interact with the artists and even perform for them. The concerts were not invigorating but also acted as a mirror to our rich heritage. The students really enjoyed and considered this week to be one that gripped with utmost interest.

Spic 2020
Spic 2020
Spic 2020
Spic 2020
Spic 2020
Spic 2020
Spic 2020
Spic 2020

International Yoga Day 2020

EAST POINT YOGA TRYST 21st June is preserved as the International Yoga Day and we East Pointers celebrate the day with great healthy fervor. The days between 15th - 21st bustled with agility and fitness as the students and staff took special YOGA sessions. The students of all grades got an opportunity to do asanas ranging from basic stretches,TADASANA, TRIKONASANA, VAJRASANA,DANDASANA, to name a few. The students and staff were encouraged to breathe rhythmically according to the asanas. Our bodies may be locked inside but our lives are open to exercise and what better way to tread the healthy path by doing YOGA... BREATHE COMPOSURE IN & BREATHE PANIC OUT


Junior Sports Meet 2019 - 20

Truly believing in its motto of staying healthy and keeping fit, the East Point School organised the junior sports day on the 1 st of December 2019. The sports meet was a funfilled event with a number of activities lined up for the day. We were privileged to have Ms. Rita Sen, a noted and distinguished academician and the recipient of Dr.Radhakrishnan National Teachers Award, as our chief guest. We were also honoured to have our chairperson Ms. Amita Gupta, our principal Ms. Anubha Srivastave and ourschool manager Ms. Vandana Sood gracing the occasion.The day began with a parade by the six houses led by their marshals and coordinators and moved on to jubilant performances by the students – be it relays, obstacle races or hurdles. The students of class one, dressed up as clowns, performed funny steps and ledthe audience into splits. A number of other performances were done by the students,which included the aerobics drill, the yoga drill, tribal dance, dupatta dance, gymnastics and pyramids.Naman Raj of IV E bagged the ‘Sports person of the year’ title. The sports girl of the year was Tina from Patel house and likewise the sports boy of the year was Aditya Singh from Nehru house. Class I B led by Ms Tanya Purohit as the class teacher won the best class trophy and the best house trophy was proudly won by Viveknand house.

Pre-Primary Sports Day

The tiny tots of our East Point School celebrated their exclusive sports day on the 30 th of November 2019. We were privileged to have our chief guest Dr. Lata Bhatt,an experienced paediatrician and the director of Palak Child Development Centre.Also we were honoured to have Ms. Deepika Mago, member of the East Point Society, Ms. Amita Gupta, our chairperson and Ms. Anubha Srivastava, our Principal to witness the event.The event started with a marching band, playing to the tunes of Colonel Boogies March. The students of Nursery and KG were seen beating congos, tambourines,triangles, bongos, drums and rattles. Ms. Aisha Sharif conducted the band, helping the children follow the beat.This was followed by a number of drills where health and wellness was the motto.The students beautifully represented the wonderful relation of the farmer with his organically grown fruits. These little ones showcasing the beauty of nature carried out a number of other drills. Dressed up as butterflies, trees and flowers, the students took everyone into the natural world of beauty and the happiness lying within.A variety of class races were also conducted which included balancing the ball,sapling race where the participants were seen using spades to dig the earth,planting a seed, sprinkling water and finally reaching the finishing line. The other races included the egg and spoon race, the blooming flowers race, Bob the Builder,Balancing the shuttle cock and the Fruits and Vegetable basket race.


“Sports do not build character, they built it.”
East Point School organized its Annual Sports Meet 2019-20 on 24th and 25th January 2020 for classes VI-XII in the school grounds. The day was graced by reverend chief guest BRIG RAVI KUMAR (Retd),Chairperson , members of the management and PTA and parents of young sports enthusiasts.The meet started with the guard of honour followed by the march past by the NCC cadets and six house contingents who were contesting for the Best Marching Shield. The salute was taken by our Chief Guest.Since the country was celebrating its Republic Day the next day, we also witnessed the unfurling of the national flag and the country’s pledge.The day was packed with spunk as students took part in various athletic events and various drills. Class VI added a glint of Olympics with their drill as they used the colours of the Olympic Ring. Class VII added a flavour of Incredible India with their dance which was followed by the display of Yogic asanas by the young gurus of class VIII. The students of classes IX and XI presented their physical acumen with Gymnastics and Pyramids.The competitive spirit was engaging as students ran one with the wind to secure the coveted medals and added points for their houses. Their efforts were lauded by the conferring of prizes by the Chief Guest.Parents too participated with full vim and vigour as they participated in the tug of war.Students were also conferred with rolling trophies as given :--
The chief guest addressed the gathering by ushering the students to join the defense forces and embrace the nobility and also accept the challenges of adventure sports.The day will be remembered as it etched an exemplary fighting spirit, display of agility and coordination,beaming glances of winners and overwhelming participation.


Christmas Party

Christmas is the festival which inspires the spirit of sharing and caring.
Soaking in the spirit of Christmas the students of East Point School celebrated the festival with enthusiasm on December 24, 2019.
All the class rooms were beautifully decorated and everybody was dressed in red and white (Santa’s favourite colours). The students sang melodious carols and danced beautifully to wish their teachers and classmates.
The significance of the festival was explained to the students through the Christmas story. Cherished the spirit of festival through Christmas party


Annual Day 2019

It was a festive day for East Point School as we celebrated our Annual day on 19 th October 2019 in theschool premises. The programme was themed dually with a cultural programme and an Exhibition whichspilled students’ earnest effort and incredible creativity. The day was graced by Prof Salil Misra, Pro ViceChancellor of Ambedkar University Delhi, as the chief guest. The programme commenced with a tour ofthe exhibition denominated TIME CAPSULE 2050, showing how the world would be with splurges oftechnology. The Annual Day cultural programme started with the Annual reports and also included anindispensible gesture of felicitating the meritorious students who won scholar awards for excellence inacademics and also those who won the prestigious rolling trophies of Excellence in English and Hindi,Best Debater’s Trophy. Students of classes VI & VII recited excerpts from Rashmi Rathi enunciating theneed to understand the value of true character and to tread the path of righteousness. The play namedMAHARATHI KARNA depicted the tale of a deplorable hero – KARNA, who fought with his might andvalour. The play focussed on the triviality of greed for power, anger, intolerance and war and imploredto a path radiant with virtues of fraternity, love and empathy.The Chief Guest acclaimed the power of creativity that must be honed and tapped so that they maybuild a utopian society which is threaded with unconditional love and compassion hence waging no war.The programme of such a kind is rounded with the need to inculcate in the students the seeds of a trueand responsible citizens.

Annual Function
Annual Function
Annual Function
Annual Function
Annual Function

हिंदी पखवाड़ा

हिंदी पखवाड़ा के अंतर्गत विद्यायलय में अनेक गतिविधियों का आयोजन हुआ कक्षा १ से कक्षा १० तक सभी कक्षाओं में हिंदी भाषा के महत्व एवं उपयोगिता को अनेक गतिविधियों के द्वारा स्पष्ट किया गया!मुख्य रूप से कविता गायन, पुस्तक समीक्षा एवं आवरण रेडियो शो मेछात्रों ने बढ़ चढ़कर हिस्सा लिया! कक्षा ७-१०  हिंदी में विशिष्ट हेतु कविता गायन प्रतियोगिता का आयोजन किया गया, जिसमे मुख्य अतिथि के रूप में साहित्य अकादमी एवं अनेक सम्मानों से सुशोभित मैथिली साहित्य जगत की प्रख्यात कवयित्री डॉ. शेफालिका वर्मा उपस्थित थी 


Teacher's Day

GururBrahma GururVishnu GururDevo Maheshwaraha Guru Saakshaat ParaBrahma Tasmai Sri Gurave Namaha
‘A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite imagination and instill love for learning’. This year, EPS celebrated Teachers’ Day with a lot of zeal on September 5, 2019 and the celebration began at 12 noon in the school open ground. The program was lead off with a prayer song sung by the school choir, followed by an innovative street play expressing gratitude to the teachers. This was followed by a classical dance performed by the dancers of the school. The Principal, Ms. Anubha then addressed all the teachers with her inspiring words. She thanked all the teachers for their diligence, sincerity and hard work. As the speech concluded, the teachers were escorted to the audio visual room where the students of class XIth & XIIth had kept a bag of surprise for the teachers. A comedy play which included a lot of songs and mimicry of the teachers was performed, followed by a small video which had the photographs of all the past events.

Independence Day - Senior

As the nation celebrates 74 th Independence Day, East Point School celebrated the day with immense national fervor and patriotic aura. The day was graced by Group Captain Pankaj Jain who amiably consented to be the chief guest for the day. The day saw a glorious beginning with the hoisiting of the flag which added a tricolour tone to the day. The school choir commenced the programme with a musical tribute to the warriors who fight dauntless and staunch on the frontiers, with the tunes of AEMERE WATAN KE LOGO. The dancers added to the reverence for the motherland through poised performance on VANDE MATRAM. The programme also included a street play on the indispensables of the constitution and the need to understand our duties and responsibilities as Indian citizens. The students also recited the famous poem The Gift of India by Sarojini Naidu, reminding each one what a jewel our nation is. The cultural programme was concluded by a dance – Namami Gange, which resonated the divinity of River Ganga. The President of Student Council Nandita Suresh addressed the gathering with a special motive to enlighten the young minds towards the path of national well being and the need to continue the noble work of our forefathers.The Chief Guest felicitated the students who had won the competitions held on the occasion of Independence Day. Group Captain Pankaj Jain addressed the audience and asked them to be motivated to work towards the nation and for the nation.The programme came to a close with the incantation of praises to this celebrated nation.

Independence Day 2019
Independence Day 2019
Independence Day 2019
Independence Day 2019
Independence Day 2019
Independence Day 2019
Independence Day 2019
Independence Day 2019
Independence Day 2019

Independence Day - Junior

The students of classes 2-5 celebrated Independence Day with much zeal and fervour . It was an amalgamation of dance , songs , elocution, skit and skating performance. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the performance and realised the real meaning of independence . 

Global Tiger Day Celebration

On the glorious occasion of GLOBAL TIGER DAG, 10 students of East Point School, participated in GLOBAL TIGER DAY programme at NATIONAL ZOOLOGICAL PARK on 25/7/2019 organised by MOEFF, WWF, WILD TRUST OF INDIA,NTCA( National Tiger Conservation Authority) and  NMNH ( National Museum of Natural History) .
Krishna Beernally , Saksham B, Rishita Mehta and Amit Pal won prizes in Quiz competition on TIGER CONSERVATION. Prizes were given by Ms Naaz, Director of NMNH.
Saksham B and Garvita Gaurav won second prize and Nandana Menon won encouragement prize in story writing in their categories.
Prizes were given by Hon’ble MoS Mr Babul Supriyo.The day was a coalesce of fun and awareness


Social Science Week

East Point School celebrated ‘Social Science week’, from 22-27 April 2019 to inculcate in young minds love for India’s rich cultural heritage and our past. A plethora of activities conducted during the week aimed at inspiring students to devote themselves wholeheartedly to nurture and preserve the cultural heritage.On these the students of classes VI enjoyed different activities like collage making activity ,map activity ,model making activity and watched a documentary movie on ‘The First Civilization’ which was about Travelogues on Indus Valley civilizations like (like Indus Valley, Mesopotamian, Ancient Greek and Roman Civilization .The students did extensive research work on different aspects of these civilizations like their extent, economic condition, social life, trade and commerce, religious practices, causes of decline and represented their ideas, innovation and creativity in form of a Travelogue.



Leadership is not about a title or designation, it’s about impact, influence and inspiration”East Point School organized an Investiture Ceremony to invest the newly appointed student council members with their respective duties and responsibilities, on 16th April 2019 in the school premises.It was an honour to have Mr. T.R.Meena, SHO New Ashok Nagar, as the Chief Guest, whose words of wisdom and guidance was praiseworthy as he spent time in explaining the eminence of the office that the students were to take up. The programme started with the euphonious fusion of percussion instruments and melodic princess. Each programme has divine intervention, and the invocation to Goddess Sarawati becomes an indispensible part of this ceremony. The students presented the Saraswati Vandana asking for her choicest and revered blessings on the leaders who were to be vested with their duties. A street play was presented by the students to bring to light the myriad societa ldemons which trample the ideals and values of a society, they gave the audience the message to wake up to the reality and do something to bring about a change.This was followed by the Investiture Ceremony where the newly appointed student council were not only given the badges but also took the oath to perform their duties to the best of their ability. The Chief Guest Mr. T.R.Meena personally guided the students to carry their responsibilities and think about the betterment of all. He addressed the gathering and motivated and inspired all to understand the power of knowledge and perseverance. He told them the eminence of culture in one’s life and how one must walk the path of virtue.Nandita Suresh, President Student Council addressed her fellow mates and motivated them to walk with her in the path of excellence, to help the school rise to unparalleled heights and to ensure each child’s participation in the same.The programme came to an end with the choir crooning two songs- DREAM ,DREAM, DREAM and TYAG AUR PREM KE PATH PAR, which implored the students to rise to challenging occasions and dream big to do the best.We wish the newly elected student council the best in their endeavours and hope to see them lift the school to new horizons.

Investiture Ceremony Pics
Investiture Ceremony Pics
Investiture Ceremony Pics
Investiture Ceremony Pics
Investiture Ceremony Pics
Investiture Ceremony Pics
Investiture Ceremony Pics
Investiture Ceremony Pics
Investiture Ceremony Pics
Investiture Ceremony Pics
Investiture Ceremony Pics
Investiture Ceremony Pics

Farewell 2018

Another year….and we are ready to bid adieu to another batch of class XII.The students of class XI th organized the farewell for class XII on 15 th February 2019 in the school[premises. It was a day that was specially crafted for class XII th to tread the memory lane and also to wishthem the best in their future ventures. The day began with a musical extravaganza where the studentscrooned famous songs which celebrate friendship and camaraderie , it was followed dance performancewhere the students presented a mélange of international and national hits, the foot tapping music andenthusiastic dance performance made everyone groove. The delight was the musical play which tookthe XIIthies on a journey from kindergarten to last grade.The most awaited moment was the fight for the title Mr and Ms and other fun titles-The Wit Master,The Ever Ready, The Talk of The Town, One in a Billion. The students of class XII participated whole hardheartedly and had to introduce themselves and also were asked random questions. After careful deliberation the following were declared as titles holders
The Talk of the Town- AYUSHI CHAUHAN
One in a Billion-SANKAL JHA
As a token of appreciation the students were given a momento and titles for remembrance. The day came to a successful close when the Principal addressed the students and wished the best for the Boards and for their future accomplishments.

Fare well pics
Fare well pics
Fare well pics
Fare well pics
Fare well pics
Fare well pics

Senior Republic Day

The 70th Republic Day was celebrated with pride and patriotism at East Point School,Vasundhra Enclave on 26 January, 2019.The students of 6 houses along with NCC cadets marched rhythmically to the patriotic tunes played by the school band. Our Chairperson, Ms. Amita Gupta, unfurled the national flag. This was followed by our National Anthem ‘Jan Gan Man’ sung by the whole school.The choir group presented a series of patriotic songs, one of them being “Saare jahan seacha”. The whole school joined the choir and the song reverberated in the surroundings.The Chairperson in her address highlighted the significance of the day, and made the children aware that the future of their country lies in their hands. Hence they need to study well now and inculcate good values in life, which will help them to be good citizens of the country.Everyone enjoyed Republic Day with great enthusiasm where the students saluted the National Flag and pledged themselves to upholding the honour and integrity, diversity and uniqueness that is “India”.

Republic Day Celebration
Republic Day Celebration
Republic Day Celebration
Republic Day Celebration
Republic Day Celebration
Republic Day Celebration

150th Gandhi Jayanti

Soaring high with pride as the music department represented the school at the at Gandhi Darshan Smriti, Rajghat on 4th Feb’19 to commemorate 150th Gandhi Jayanti. The programme was graced by Honourabale dignitaries Shri Rajnahth Singh, Mrs Sushma Swaraj, Shri Nitin Gadkari and Shri Mansukh Mandviya. The performance was lauded and appreciated by the dignitaries !

70th Republic Day

Our Pre-primary and Primary wing celebrated the 70th Republic Day on 24th January’19 through a special assembly. Children exhibited their patriotic fervour by singing songs and reciting poems. In addition to these, the event was studded with some zealously performed dances and musical drama. We also had a talk presented by the students dressed up as the members of the Constitution Drafting Committee. As always, the school ensured a hundred percent participation from the children. The event cuddled one’s passion for his/her country and relevance of the day. 


The senior wing of East Point School organized its Annual Sports Meet 2018-19 on 15th December 208 in the school grounds. It was a matter of true delight and honour to have Gen R.K. Mittal Sir as the Chief Guest of the day. the day commenced with the unfurling of the school flag and the march past that followed it.The school has six houses- RADHAKRISHNAN, TAGORE ,PATEL,NEHRU,GANDHI, AND VIVEKANANDA which formed their respective contingents to compete for the best marching shield which was awarded to that deserving house which stood the best. The salute was taken by our Chief Guest and contingents were marked on various parameters. The students took an oath to play fair and with competitive spirit. The chief guest then declared the Sports Meet Open and released balloons, symbolizing the six houses and aplacard declaring the name of the school, to wish all the best and luck.The day saw various athletic events which ranged from 100 mts, 200 mts, 400 mts to relay race sand cycle races, for both junior and senior categories. The houses cheered for their athletes which motivated them to gather priced points for the house total. All the athletes gave their best and despite obstacles and casualty didn’t lose their competitive spirit.Our students also added extra glitter to the day by presenting drills and displays. Class VI presented the Stole Dance where the students with the help of vibrant colours gave a colourful symmetry. Class VII presented the Fan Dance in which the students with the help of bright fans showed a visual a treat to the eyes. Class VIII students transported us to the land of Assam with the Bihu dance, preserving the rich culture and displaying the celebration of harvest. Class IX was divided into two groups where one group presented Yoga where the students displayed basic and also complex yogic postures while they made various formations. The other group displayed gymnastics, which included rolls, flips, balancing on the beam and jumping on the spring board.The students of class IX displayed great agility and concentration. The last drill was demonstrated by class XI where the students formed pyramids where students balanced and coordinated with each other.The day would have been incomplete without felicitating the students for their hard work and success. The prize distribution saw the prizes of the events that took place on the same day and also the Rolling Trophies. The following Rolling Trophies were awarded to the mentioned:1. Dancer of the Year- Tiara Tripathi (XII) 2.Artist of the Year- Adarsh Jha (X) 3.Chitra Memorial Singer of the Year- Rhythm Kr. Singh(VIII) 4. B.M.Lal Sportsperson of the Year- Muskan Singh(XII) 5.Sports Girl of the Year- Shalini Bhardwaj (XII) & Aarohi Tyagi (X) 6. Sports Boy of the Year- Satendre (XI) 7. Best Class-Class VII –A(Ms. Vishakha Boni 8.Best Marching Shield- Radhakrishnan House9. Best House- Patel House

Sr.Sports Day
Sr.Sports Day
Sr.Sports Day
Sr.Sports Day
Sr.Sports Day
Sr.Sports Day
Sr.Sports Day
Sr.Sports Day
Sr.Sports Day
Sr.Sports Day
Sr.Sports Day
Sr.Sports Day
Sr.Sports Day
Sr.Sports Day
Sr.Sports Day

Spic Macay December

1.SHARON LOWEN-ODISSI PERFORMANCEOn 3rd of December 2018 the students and staff of East Point School were honoured by the performance by the sterling dancer Ms. Sharon Lowen, who transfixed us with her grace and poise. Ms. Sharon Lowen has been hailed as the leading performing artists of the classical Indian dance by critics and connoissuers and is lauded for her danceperformance in Odissi, Manipuri and Chhau Dance. She performed Odissi dance and explained the children about the basic mudras and gestures which one uses during a dance. She along with her disciple performed pure dance and also a performance which depicted the divine love of Rdha and Krishna and plea to Ganpati for wisdom.The performance left each one captivated and the hearts to yearn for more. The performance was not the only delight but also the interaction which encouraged the students to not only explore the world of classical dance but also engage oneself in it.The performing artists who accompanied Ms. Sharon Lowen added much glitter to the event Vishwanath Mangaraj on the Mardala Ramchandra Sahoo as the vocalist Dhiraj Pandey on the flute Nitisha Nanda her dance disciple Such performances not only bring us closer to the culture but also touches the heart and gives life long memory.
2. RAFIQ KHAN LANGA & ANWAR KHAN LANGA On 5 th December 2018 the members of the Langa family graciously agreed to take the students and staff on a musical sojourn. The performance was help at the school stage which was attended by students from class IV to XII. RAFIQ KHAN LANGA &ANWAR KHAN LANGA along with accompanying artists YAR MOHD(VOCAL),FARUKH(VOCAL), YAKIN(HARMONIUM, ASLAM KHAN(DHOLAK), MASTERZAKIR & MASTER MAUSIN, truly transported us back to our folk roots. They croonedto traditional Rajasthani folk songs and also some adaptations in the recent times.The students and the staff too joined in this musical extravaganza and were encouraged to join for other songs too. Many of us are highly influenced and attracted to either Western Music or Bollywood albums, but after listening to the authentic flavor of our land we understood the jewel that is folk culture.
3. Anupriya Deotale & Arshad Khan On 6th December 2018 artist Ms. Anupriya Deotale , the famous violinst, along with Arshad Khan the table maestro, swayed us all with such soulful symphony. The event organized in the school A V Room, was attended by some student and staff members.Ms. Anupriya started with introducing herself and also guiding the students about the music she was about to play and how music slowly takes pace. She played various raga sand slowly mesmerized us all with a unique blend of violin and table. As a request from
the students she played the famous bhajan RAGHUPATI RAGHAV , and encouraged the students to sing with the violin. An interactive session followed which allowed the students to understand the basics of vilin and also what inspired her to pursue music.


Junior Sports Day - 2018

The Junior Sports Meet of East Point School 2018-19, held on 17th November 2018 was a proud moment for the children. It was a true honour to have Ms. Meenakshi Pahuja as the Chief Guest who is the Assistant Professor, P.E Dept at Lady Sri Ram College, Delhi University. She has brought laurels to the nation at various swimming events nationally as well as internationally. Also gracing the occasion we had the school’s Chairperson, Ms. Amita Gupta, Principal Ms. Anubha Srivastava and Manager Ms. Vandana Sood. The sports day flagged off with Ms Meenakshi releasing the balloons of 6 colors representing the six colours of the houses. The students who assembled according to their houses paraded. They were led by their house Marshal and Coordinator. Music is an important part of the primary curriculum, not only to encourage interest in the art itself, but also to enhance their social and communication skills. Keeping this in mind, the young childrenof class 4 and 5 playedcongos, tambourines, triangles, bongos, drums and rattles thereby giving rhythm to the parade.  The tiny tots from class Iperformed a cartoon dance, dressed up as their favourite cartoon characters including Tweety, Mickey Mouse, Doraemon, Angry bird and Nobita as well. The highlight of the day, the much awaited athletic events beganwith various races, hurdles, relays and cycle races ranging from classes I-V. To add more colours and zeal to the events, we had class IV dressed up as Charlie Chaplin with classic moves on a foot tapping number, appreciated by the audience. Class III performed the Yoga drill– highlighting human body’s dexterity, balance and flexibilitywith great ease and finesse. Keeping the spirits of sports high, the students of class V performed gymnastics and pyramids showcasing different movements contributing to overall fitness, alertness and discipline in the children. The students received appreciation for their great performance and utmost efforts taken. Their parents present there supported and applauded their endeavors.   The ‘Sports person of the year’ title was bagged by Panav of IVA. Likewise the‘Sports girl’ title was won by Vidhi Negi of 5D and Piyush of class VC won the‘Sports boy’ title. The‘Best class’ award was rendered to class IIA led by Ms. Priyanka Chauhan as the class teacher and the‘Best House’ trophy was proudly won by Gandhi house.

Senior Annual Day

“All the world’s a stage and all men and women are merely players”
East Point School celebrated its Annual Day on 13 th October 2018 in the school premises inattendance of the estemmed Chief Guest Dr. Sunil Sondhi(Principal of Maharaja AgrasenCollege, D.U.), members of the management, staff and parents.This year our students and staff decided to jointly create the magic of theatre in the school.The school and the gathering witnessed a miscellany of creativity, imagination and hardwork as the children presented their rendition of Hamlet by William Shakespeare. The playshowed the journey of Hamlet from sanity to lunacy as he embarks on a voyage of vengeanceagainst his uncle Claudius, who killed his father. Hamlet promises to avenge for such aheinous crime. The play is a testimony that the need to take evenge sows the seeds of hatredand one then gets webbed in chaos and unsettling brutality.An exhibition titled Global Theatre was crafted specially to illuminate the facets of theatreunknown to the layman. The students of classes VI-XI exhibited their works on myriad topicsas follows:CLASS VI-National and International theatre artistCLASS VII- Backstage EssentialCLASS VIII- Influence of Theatre in Changing the Society and AttitudeCLASS IX- History of TheatreCLASS X- Biographies of Plays and SynopsisCLASS XI- Theatre Enhancing Wellness, Happiness and SportsThe day was also important for those students who through grit and determination scoredan ace in the session 2017-18. Theses acclam3ed wonders were felicitated by our Chiefguest Dr. Sunil Sondhi , who motivated them to scale greater heights. Students who havebeen scoring 90 percent for more than two years consecutively were given special accoladeslike maroon ties, maroon blazers, trophies, etc.The winners of three rolling trophies were also announced which were as follows.BEST DEBATER: VINAYAK DANGWAL (IX B)EXCELLENCE IN HINDI- CHHAVI VERMA (IX A)EXCELLENCE IN ENGLISH- SUCHITRA BISWAS (XI- C)The school expresses its utmost gratitude and appreciation for the unconditional supportfrom the students, staff and parents for making this day reach full fruition and memorable.

Annual Day
Annual Day
Annual Day
Annual Day
Annual Day
Annual Day
Annual Day
Annual Day
Annual Day
Annual Day
Annual Day
Annual Day
Annual Day
Annual Day
Annual Day
Annual Day
Annual Day
Annual Day
Annual Day
Annual Day
Annual Day
Annual Day
Annual Day

Dusshera Celebration

Keeping the festive spirits high our Primary wing of East Point School enthusiastically presented a special assembly to celebrate Dussehra on Tuesday, 16 October 2018. The cultural programme was organised in the school premises where our tiny tots of Nursery and KG performed dance and drama to depict the life of Lord Rama. They learnt the values of love, empathy and victory of good over evil. Through this dance-drama our little stars enhanced their speaking and dramatic skills. Our students beautifully presented famous scenes from the epic such as Vanvas, Setu Nirman, Ashok Vatika and the battle between Lord Rama and Ravana. Following this event, we had taken up some activities within the classrooms such as drawing, elocution, creative writing in Hindi, English and Sanskrit.

Spic Macay

On 5th September 2018 , our school had the solemn privilege to host the commencement programme of Viraasat under the aegis of SPIC MACAY. It was an honour to have Pt. VISHWA MOHAN BHAT, a Grammy Awardee and the recipient of Padma Bhushan and Padma Shree, to bless the presence with his sanctified presence. He was shouldered by the eminent table artist Pt. Ram Kumar Mishra and his son. Pt. Vishwa Mohan Bhat is profoundly known for Indianising the western Hawaiian guitar with the perfect assimilation of sitar, sarod and veena techniques and hence rechristening the guitar as MOHAN VEENA. The audience was enthralled with the heart reaching and soul touching music which would resonate in the hearts till eternity.
The symphony and camaraderie of instruments especially the Mohan Veena elated the spirits in the room.
This event opened the young minds to the unexplored and endearing facets of Indian culture. We hope that this encourages the young generation to embrace our Indian texture and help in the preservation of our heritage.

PT.Vishwa Mohan Bhatt
PT.Vishwa Mohan Bhatt
PT.Vishwa Mohan Bhatt

Orange Colour Day

The tiny tots of Nursery celebrated Orange Colour Day. All the children came dressed up in Orange colour. The kids performed various activities like tearing and pasting ,making of the fruit orange with thermocol plate. This was followed with the worksheet which helped them to identify the colour and relate to the objects around them.

Janmashtami Celebration

Janmashtami festival was celebrated on 31st August,18 with great zeal and pomp by the children of Pre-Primary. Children came dressed as Krishna and Radha and other colourful outfits. A skit showcasing the birth of Lord Krishna was staged which was followed with colourful dance and a poem on â€œNatkhat Krishna”.

National Sports Day

Our school celebrated National Sports Day on 29th August 2018 to commemorate birth anniversary of famous hockey player Late Major Dhyan Chand. Our sports coordinator briefed the students of class Nursery to 3rd about his achievements and importance of sports in our life. It was followed by fun activities such as hurdle race and 50/100 mtr. race for students of Nursery to class 2. The air was filled with cheer and tons of encouragement for the young athletes of class 3, who were competing each other for a friendly football match.

Kho-Kho Kabbadi
Kho-Kho Kabbadi
Kho-Kho Kabbadi
Junior Wing
Junior Wing
Junior Wing
Junior Wing
Junior Wing
Junior Wing

Junior Celebration of Independence Day

The Independence Day celebration of the junior wing of East Point School was held on 13.08.18 and the chief guest was our Chairperson Mrs. Amita Gupta ma’am .The young Indians of classes KG to V expressed their love for the nation with much vigour and zeal through songs, dance, play and poem. They reflected their feelings of patriotism by remembering the national leaders through the skit based on the life of people of soldiers at the borders. The songs guided the students to forget all differences and marched forward in unity. The roller skating performance stunned everyone with their formation and flexibility. The Chairperson appreciated the program and asked everyone to contribute to India’s development by keeping the surrounding clean.


Independence Day Celebration

And the Golden Bird soars free for 72 years!!!East Point School celebrated India's 72nd Independence Day on 14th August 2018 in the school premises. The day was graced by the esteem presence of Mr. Abhishek Srivastava as the chief guest for the day. A journalist by heart he shared with the students the intricate and chilling glimpses of his stay in Afghanistan during the war. The celebration commenced with the hoisting of the national flag and the national anthem being sung.The day saw a realm of cultural events starting with the orchestra which played the tune of "Sandese Aate hai" which was an ode to our brave soldiers. This was followed by a Hindi poem which parused our incredible land. the students then presented a dance on Vande Matram which added patriotic flavour to the celebration. A street play which pleaded to free India from the clutches of societal demons touched many hearts and a qawwali which celebrated the unity of our country. This day shall be revered and remembered for not only its divinity but as a felicitation to all who struggled to see this day.
We praise this nation so incredible
We bow to its brave children                           
We raise hands to pledge freedom always         
We unite to keep its glory forever...                                 

Independence Day 2018
Independence Day 2018
Independence Day 2018
Independence Day 2018
Independence Day 2018

Investiture Ceremony

Investiture Ceremony-Building Future Leaders
It was a memorable day for the newly appointed student council members, as they were formally badges by the esteemed Chief Guest, Dr B C Sabata on 21st April 2018. The day began with a soulful symphony presented but the orchestra of the school followed by the Saraswati Vandana, invoking the choicest blessings of Goddess Saraswati in guiding our novice leaders to tread the path of wisdom. Students of classes X presented a role play where they represented famous leaders and shared their quotes for being a responsible leader. The choir crooned two songs, encouraging the leaders to uphold the virtues and stand as exemplary. The cultural programme was followed by the solemn badging ceremony where the students took up their responsibility and oath as new office bearers. PTA awards were also given to the deserving students who proved their prowess in various spheres in the school activities. Dr B C Sabata addressed and encouraged our students to keep excelling in the future too and appreciated the effort towards the environment. The day came to a close with the President (student Council) Ayushi Chauhan’s address who motivated her mates and other students to work towards excellence.


Exhibition Towards a Better Earth

The students of the Eco Club missioned to sensitize all towards the components of sustainable living and declared the dire need to conserve Earth as a green planet through a plethora of week-long activities. A neatly and scrupulously compilation of the week was showcased by the students through an Exhibition on 21/4/18 which was graced by Dr B C Sabata, Sr Scientific Officer, Ministry of Environment. Dr Sabata interacted with the children and exposed to them his knowledge and understanding on the areas projected by them. He hailed the spirit of children and encouraged them to take up similar projects in the future too. Keeping in sync with the theme of the year, the School pledged to convert the campus to a Plastic Free Zone and do their bit for the Earth.


Annual Day - Primary

The school’s Junior Annual day cum exhibition was held on 17th March 2018.We were fortunate to have Ms. Geetika Kapoor ma’am, Founder and Director of EdEssential Eds, NSCP, Consultant School Psychologist, gracing the occasion. Students of classes II-V had put up exhibition on civilizations, namely Indus Valley, Egyptian, Mayan and Central American and Chinese respectively in the Junior basement. The students were appreciated for creating a vibrant and wide range of intriguing models. There was also Think Green and Art exhibition displaying various activities and creations of the students, attracting crowds in the quadrangle area. The cultural events marked a start with the Welcome speech by Principal ma’am, welcoming the chief guest and the parents. It was followed by Skating dance by students of classes 2-5 showcasing immense balance and agility. Students of class 1 performed an amalgam of Japanese dance, Bhangra and aerobics, with much vigor and thrill. The much awaited play ‘Cinderella’ commenced soon after, unraveling the mystical world of Ella , wherein the students showcased their acting, narrating , singing and dancing skills, creating magic onstage. It was followed by the award ceremony. The chief guest appreciated the achievers and praised the performance of the students in the play .

Graduation Day

East Point School Vasundhra Enclave celebrated the 'Graduation Day' with lots of glitz and glam for Kindergarten children. The occasion was graced by MS.Champa Banerjee Ex- headmistress of Springdales Jaipur.The programme commenced with the annual report presented by pre-primary co-ordinator which was followed by a welcome band performed by students on various musical instruments. It was preceded by children on roller skates who took on the stage and enthralled the parents. The highlight of the day were the little ones performing the classic play 'Snow white and the seven Dwarfs' where in the actors,narrators  and dancers captivated the audience by their impressive performance. The event concluded with Graduation certificate distribution by the chief guest. The children of KG were all smartly dressed up in their Graduation gowns and hats eager to begin their formal schooling.

Annual Day - Nursery

The tiny tots of Nursery classes celebrated their annual cultural day programme on 6th,7th and 8th march,2018 for sections A, B and C respectively. The little ones showcased various skills like reciting, speaking and dancing through a variety of performances like Welcome band, Pepper's value learning skit, action songs and folk dances. They mesmerized the audience with their performance.


The day 26th January is a revered day for all Indians as it was on this momentous day that our visionaries in the past laid the foundation of a nation. Our school felt obligated to spread the pride among each member of its family. The special assembly organised by Vivekananda House began with the unfurling of our venerated Indian Flag by our Chairperson Ms. Amita Gupta and the singing of the national anthem added a flavour of pride and grandeur of our nation. Pulkit Singhal initiated the ceremony with a speech about Republic Day and Ayushi Chauhan took the pledge and read out the letter written Mr. Manish Sisodia for the school children on the occasion of Republic Day. Our Principal Ms. Anubha Shrivastav addressed the gathering about the eminence of Republic Day and encouraged the students to be future visionaries of the country and be ideal citizens. As a mark of respect the students marched in their respective contingents and showed their solidarity.
How can the day be complete without adding symphony to the atmosphere? The school resonated with the tunes of SAARE JAHAAN SE ACHHA and CHHU LENGE AASMAN.  

Republic Day

The students from classes 1, 2 and 3 celebrated the 69th Republic Day on the 25th of January, 2018. A variety of programs were performed by them which included songs like 'We shall overcome', medleys and dances.

Spic Macay Bangalore

It was held from 24th December to 30th December 2017. Teacher coordinator was Ms. Chandrakanta and the students who went for the event were – Akshaya Arun, Akshat Khurana, Tiara Tripathi, Chhavi Verma and Devika. Series of events were conducted such as yakshagana performance orientation by kiran seth, yog nidra, concert by zakir zari, naad yoga (gurbani), intensives, yog nidra, concerts, Christmas carols, blind school performance, hath yog which was culminated with a heritage walk. During this time our students got an opportunity to learn music and dance from Sh. Alankar Singh and Sh. Shivnanda Hegde, respectively which was an enriching experience for them.

Spic Macay Banglore
Spic Macay Banglore
Spic Macay Banglore

We're Dreaming of Christmas

Christmas is finally here! It is a season for not celebration alone bur also for spreading joy, peace & love. But how can Christmas be celebrated without carols? Our students of the choir lifted up the Christmas spirit with popular carols which set the beat & mood. The carols reminded all about how Christ was born and how Santa Claus spreads the message of sharing. What a great way to get in the mood for Christmas. 

Celebrating Christmas

Christmas is a time for sharing and caring and to spread joy. 
Pre-Primary and Class 1 :- Joy and gaiety filled the environment during the Christmas celebrations on 22.12.2017. Children of KG performed the nativity scene depicting the birth of Lord Jesus. The sound of Carols and songs sung by the children transformed the atmosphere with Christmas festivities. The children had fun meeting the Santa. They enjoyed the Christmas Bazaar and the party thoroughly
To celebrate the occasion a special assembly was organized by the children of classes 2 to 4. They sang Carols and danced to the tune of “ Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells”. The entry of the Santa filled the children with delight. After the assembly they decorated their class with Christmas tree and had a class party.


Class XII Farewell

Farewell was organized for class XII batch (2017-2018) on 22nd December 2017 by class XI students and teachers as a token of love and affection. The programme was inaugurated with torch planning ceremony where the class XII council members passed on the baton of light, hope and success to class XI student council so that the legacy of success and proficiency is carried forward. This programme was followed by the cultural activities which included a skit, fusion choreography and singing performance. Meanwhile the memento was distributed to class XII students. In the end the programme ended with Mr.  & Ms. EPS competition which had 6 titles which were awarded to students by Ms. Anubha Srivastava, Ms. Mamta Agarwal and Ms. Anuradha Singhal. They are as follows:- 
·         Mr. & Ms. Funny bones was given to Akshay Thakur and Gargi. 
·         Mr. & Ms. Teachers delight was given to Arnav Saraswat and Aishani
Mr. & Ms. EPS was given to Abrez and Divya.
A special mention to Akshaya Eshwar as she consistently performed in her academics as well as co-curricular activities.


Winter Fest'17

East Point School organised the Annual Winter Carnival on December 9’ 2017 at the school ground. This is a mega event organized by the school each year during this month for a noble cause to raise funds, in order to facilitate the education of its economically weaker students. The one day extravaganza was kicked-off with fun-filled activities at the game stalls those which incited not only the young but also the adults to get involved. Miscellanea of talent-focused competitions as the Art, Music, Dance and Fancy dress catered to the children of all age groups. The stage kept rolling with the prize seekers and winners whose performances enthralled the crowd. The parents were glad that their children enjoyed and had a great time while participating in the event.  The play zone had some tummy-tickling rides, the jump house and also the trampoline which remained the best attractions. The event was also dotted with food counters selling mouth- watering varieties of refreshments and beverages. An array of shopping and craft stalls with a collection of some exquisite jewellery, winter stuff, snacks, clothing and school’s own environment booth boosted the zest in the fest. Other attractions also included the magic show, the dance junction and the puppet show. The Music & Dance department gave an opportunity to the talented students of East Point to perform in solos, bands and even groups with Sufi, English, traditional and contemporary music. Each year, the school also organizes a ‘Lucky Raffle Draw’ having a number of prizes to ensure maximum chances for the public to win prizes. The carnival was thus packed with activities which were equally enjoyed by both kids and their parents, and was well attended. The event turned out to be a huge success. 

Winter Fest'17
Winter Fest'17
Winter Fest'17

Junior Sports Day

The Junior Sports Meet of East Point School 2017-18 was held on 25th November 2017. It was a proud moment for the children to see their parents present here to support and applaud them in their endeavors. It was a true honour to have with us our  guest  -Ms. LalitaChaturvedi, who has retired as Assistant Station Director at All India Radio. Also gracing the occasion we had the school’s chairperson, Amita Gupta maam,  members of the managing committee Ms. Usha Ravichandran and Mr. Garg. Soon MsLalita  released the balloons of 6 colors representing the six houses of our school.and the students assembled according to their houses paraded  ,led by their house marshal and coordinator. Music is an important part of the Pre- primary curriculum , not only to encourage interest in the art itself , but also to enhance their social and communication skills, keeping that in mind , the events of the day began with an instrumental percussion band of class  KG and Nursery, playing to the tunes of Strauss’ Radisky March. Ms. Aisha Sharif conducted the band, helping the young children play congos, tambourines, triangles, bongos, drums and rattles .  The tiny tots from nursery  performed some moves which help us to remain fit and strong. It was indeed a delight to see the youngest lot of the school ,trained by Pushpa ma’am perform the drill with colorful pompoms  with much zeal and enthusiasm . And this was followed by the butterfly dance of class KG trained by Dhananjay sir. Then the athletic events began, the relay races for classes 2&3 and then for 4&5, trained by  Satyendersir,PankajAhlawat sir, PankajPanjiar sir, Ravi sir, Ajay sir and Pintu sir. And to add some more color and zeal to the events we had the dumbbell drill by class 1 and the ribbon drill and Gujarati dance by class 5.Everyone enjoyed and cheered for the Nursery blooming flowers class race and KG caterpillar class race. It was followed by the prize distribution for KG and Nursery. It was time for some more athletic events like 75m dash, obstacle race, cycle race and hurdles wherein the boys and girls equally put their best efforts to gather maximum points for their house.    Class2 performed an Olympic Drill and Bhangra. The highlight being the students dressed up in the 5 colours of the Olympic rings. And with Salsa and hip hop , an exciting combination of lively music and hip-swinging movements.Tthe young dancers of class, took all on a short trip to a world of rhythm and pirouettes. Then class  3 entered with Yoga ,Gymnastics and pyramids – highlighting body’s dexterity, balance and coordination between students. There was a race for the parents too, a three legged race , we saw participation in numbers , and the energy level of the parents was no less than that of the students. The sportsmanspirit of the parents was worth appreciation. Then the children assembled for prize distribution wherein prizes for events held on 25th, 24th and events held in the past few weeks were given to the winners. The sports person  of the year was Panav of  3A, Sports girl – Vidhi , Sports boy Piyush , Best class -1-C (C.T-Ms. Mallika) and Best House –Nehru house with 573 points. Then our Chief guest, Ms. Lalita  becamenostaligic and remembered her schooldays  after witnessing the events in our school . She appreciated the  efforts put by all the participants and encouraged all to continue working towards the betterment of the school  with much energy, discipline and determination.  Anubha  ma’am gave the vote of thanks and appreciated the efforts of all the PET’s and the event ended with the national anthem.

Sports Day
Sports Day
Sports Day

Children's Day

Keeping the spirit of Children's day rolling. Pre Primary and Class 1 teachers presented spectacular programme making this day more joyful and memorable. Puppet show and storytelling was followed by Magic show which kept the place fill up with claps, laughter and sheer joy.

children Day
children Day
children Day
children Day
children Day
children Day

Annual Day

Annual Day 2017 was held on 14th October,2017. A play titled Chandragupta Maurya and an Exhibition were showcased. Mr.Bhim Sain Bassi, Member of UPSC and Ex- Commisioner of Delhi Police was the Chief Guest. President of East Point Education Society Mr. Deepak Gupta welcomed the Chief Guest.The Ceremonial lamp was lit by the Chief Guest and members of the School Management Ms Deepika Mago, Mr.Atul Chaturvedi , Mr. R.K Garg and Chairperson Ms Amita Gupta.The school report for 2016-17 was presented by Principal Ms. Anubha Srivastava alongwith members of the school Student Council Akshaya N . Eshwar, Aishani Naskar, and Vaishnavi Nair. Academic Awards and Rolling Trophies were presented by the Chief Guest to the deserving students.

Chief Guest
Chandra Gupta Maurya Play
Chandra Gupta Maurya Play
Lighting Lamp

Dusshera Celebration - Pre Primary

Tiny tots of Pre-primary celebrated Dussehra on 27th Sep,17 by enacting the story of Ramayana. They learned the values of love, empathy and victory of good over evil. This act enchanced their speaking and dramatics skills. They performed various episodes : Vanvas, Jatayu ,Setu , Battle between Rama and Ravana


Hindi Diwas

ईस्ट पॉइंट स्कूल विद्यालय में १४ सितम्बर को हिंदी दिवस के रूप में बहुत ही उत्साह से मनाया गया I इस अवसर पर कक्षा के. जी. से तीसरी तक के लिए हिंदी भाषा सम्बंधित विभिन्न गतिविधियाँ आयोजित की गई जैसे :- शब्द लड़ी ,चित्रकला ,उक्ति लेखन ,स्वरचित कविता आदि I मुख्य अतिथि बैंक ऑफ़ बड़ोदा के क्षेत्रीय व्यापार विकास अधिकारी श्री वी. के. गुप्ता जी ने प्रतियोगिता में विजयी छात्रों को पुरस्कृत किया I उन्होंने बच्चो को संबोधित करते हुए हिंदी भाषा के महत्व को बताया I  

Hindi Diwas
Hindi Diwas
Hindi Diwas
Hindi Diwas